
Omnipotent Writer

Fernein sighed, sitting in front of his computer.

The old computer's had been a companion for nearly ten years of his life, but its lifetime was nearing its end.

The cracks that had formed on its body had begun to lengthen, the scratches on the half-detached screen had begun to multiply, and the keyboard had begun to fall apart.

Despite its wounds, it was still as slow as when he had first bought the machine, its internals working as if ten years hadn't passed, merely continuing with their jobs as if time wasn't important to them.

'Time probably ISN'T important to them. They're just bits of technology cobbled together to create a usable whole.' Fernein thought, lovingly stroking the battered and half-broken machine. 'But the whole is something I've grown quite attached to.'

He leaned his elbows on his desk, putting his face in his hands and groaning.

"When this breaks, how will I afford another one?" He groaned. "It's quarantine!"

He shook his head, booting up the ancient computer.

He rested his wrists on the corners of the screen while he waited for it to finish its startup sequence.

Just before the sign in screen appeared, he heard something within the device snap.

Fernein jerked his hands away from the device, tearing his wrist on the edge of the half-displaced screen just as the device gave him the blue screen of death.

"NO!" He yelled, seizing the sides of the computer, ignoring his wound that began bleeding onto his keyboard. "NOT THIS!"

He tried to force restart, but the screen turned black and wouldn't turn on.

Resting his hands on the now-useless keyboard of his beloved computer, he was completely still for a long, long time.