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Requirements from Julian

After thinking for a long time, Gina finally decided to contact Diego, she must immediately inform Diego about the permissions and conditions proposed by Massimo if she wants to work and live in Barcelona. What is on Gina's mind right now is to immediately tell her brother everything about Massimo, even though Diego is his father's right hand man at this time. Diego's voice was as strong as his father's, so Gina had to immediately tell him about Massimo's unreasonable requirements.

"Hello... sorry Gina, I was in the meeting room listening to a presentation from the finance department. Sorry if I didn't pick up your call." Diego spoke without pause when Gina picked up the phone, feeling guilty that ignoring Gina's two previous calls made Diego immediately leave the meeting room and call Gina straight away.

"I should be the one apologizing, Diego. I didn't know you were in a meeting earlier."