korean guy

*Your POV

Me and my buddy is already done for getting ready. i went out to my room and knock to alexa's door.

y/n: "buddy come out!! the hell are you still doing?" i shouted while knocking

alexa: "coming!"

when she come out we rush to the airport

********on board*********

y/n: i tap alexa's shoulder "buddy, you were assign to discuss the safety announcemet"

alexa: me? she replied with a confused face

y/n: "no me" i said with expressionless

alexa: "why me??!!" she said "that darn director!" she murmur and i chuckle

while she's announcing the safety announcement, our director assign me to give the passengers meals after the safety announcement

*Alexa's pov

while i'm discussing the safety ann. i notice that someone of our passengers is staring at me, i ignore him and continued the discussing.

Alexa: "why the hell he's staring at me, am i that beautiful or something is on my face" i thought

when i'm already done discussing, i saw that korean guy staring at me again with a smile in his face, and i smiled back to him but he put back his mask and i went back to crews area

y/n: "are you done" i asked

alexa: "yes buddy" she replied

y/n: "hmm okay, then i'm going to give their meals" i smiled to her but when i'm about to walk she suddenly grab my wrist

y/n: "hey why?!" i said knitting my eyebrows

alexa: "y/n, a korean guy is staring at me while i was discussing but i ignored him" she said

y/n: "then?" i said and folded my arms "you assumed?" i continued

alexa: "the hell no! but when i'm already done i saw his eyes staring at me steadily and smiled" she said confusedly

y/n: "maybe he found you so ugly" i said to piss her and went out to give the passengers' meals

alexa: "that girl!" she murmur

*Your POV

i'm giving their meals with a smile on my face

y/n: "hello miss here's your meal" i said and give her a sweet smile

passenger 1: "thank you..." she stop and look at my pin name "Ms. Flores" she continued and smile back

y/n: "You're welcome" i replied and chuckled

i'm almost done giving their meals and went to the last passenger and give his meal

y/n: "good morning sir, here's your meal" i said and smiled to him but he's just staring at me, i can't see his whole face because his wearing a mask but i can guess that he's a korean and maybe this is the guy that buddy mentioned to me before. He took his meals without saying thank you but it's okay and i walked forward, before i step someone grab my wrist that makes me step backward and i turn around to see the korean guy who's wearing a mask

y/n: "wh..what do you need sir?" i asked and smile nervously

he's just staring at me again and after a second he look down to take off his mask with his hand still holding my wrist.

when he look up and look at me, i'm so shock that my eyes went wide when i see his face

y/n: "so...soobin??!!" i said with a shock face

soobin: "yes i'm soobin and you are..." he look at my pin name "Ms. Y/n Flores" he continued and smile at me

y/n: "Yes i am, and i'm a big fan of yours" i said and smile at him while removing my wrist

soobin: "ohhh really?" he said and he's schock when he found out that i'm a MOA

y/n: "yes" i said

soobin: "good to know that" he said while chuckling

y/n: "you're so really cute when smiling" i chuckled

soobin: "hahaha thank you" he replied

y/n: "so i'm going back to my work now sir" i said and smiled again

soobin: "oh wait Ms. Flores" he said and sigh

y/n: "yes sir?"

soobin: "can we talk later with your friend when we already landed?"

y/n: "sure!"

soobin: "i'm going to call you later"

y/n: "okay" i replied and walk away to him