Your boyfriend

Jimin: "so why are you two together?" he asked straight as you reached them

Y/n: "we're in the same place" you said while standing infront of them

Y/n: "why did you let him go in that kind of place alone?"

Jungkook: "he's not kid anymore so it's okay"

Y/n: "so it is okay for all of you when he's been attacked?"

Yoongi: "by who?"

Y/n: "toxic people.....i found out that he was there when he shouted to a girl who's forcing herself to him, then there's more girls coming closer to him. i look around the bar and saw those sasaeng fans, so i tried to protect him."

Hobi: "owww" he reacted

Y/n: "litsen, even though you're not an idol anymore, y'all still have a fans and of course a sasaengs. so better careful next time, bring your guards or what that will going to protect you"

Rm: "yeahh, thanks for helping him. if you're not there, we don't know what will happen" he smiled

Y/n: "always welcome...then i'm going to leave" you said but sunwoo showed up

Sunwoo: "better to stay here tonight, it's already late, it's dangerous"

Y/n: "No unnie i can't, i need to leave"

Jin: "noona's right, spend your night here and just go back to the hotel tomorrow WITH SAYING GOODBYE" he said that makes you chuckled

Y/n: "No"

Yoongi: "and why?"

Y/n: "because we're going to leave tomorrow"

Jungkook: "huh? where are you going? is it important?" he asked, they are confused and you chuckled

Y/n: "of course it is, it's our flight back" you said chuckling

Jimin: "what? i thought you still have 2days?"

Y/n: "it changed" you smiled

Hobi: "how sad"

Sunwoo: "then when are you going to comeback?" she asked in a sad tone

Y/n: "i don't want to comeback unnie" you said while tapping sunwoo's head

Yoongi: "what? you don't want to see us anymore?"

Jimin: "don't lie, you're going to have a house here soon" he said, they faces was wearing a blank expression and that makes you laughed

Y/n: "i have no power when it comes to this guys" you said and they chuckled

Y/n: "honestly, i don't know when to comeback unnie. so always be careful okay? use those self defenses when it's needed" you smiled at her

Yoongi: "can you just not leave?" he said in a sad tone

Hobi: "we want you here"

Y/n: "come onnnn don't be like that"

Jungkook: "then let us hug you before you leave" he said as he hug you and follow by the others

Y/n: "we just met but we're being like this, how weird" you said while they were hugging you one by one

Jungkook: "tae hyung was drunk, he won't be able to say goobye"

Y/n: "he already knew about it, and the fuck! i'm not going to die!" you laughed

Rm: "we're like this 'cause you are not just someone, we met you in a unexpected way"

Y/n: "okay okay, don't be a dramatic" you smiled

and you remember something

Y/n: "ohh right" you said and went to taehyung's room

You opened the door of his room and saw him sleeping peacefuly, you just forgot his key so you take it back and place it to the table beside his bed. before you went out, you whispered in his ear.

Y/n: "i'm going to leave Mr. Kim, let's see each other again soon" you whispered, taehyung heard it and pretend to be asleep. when you went out and go down, he quitely went out too to check you out. he's hiding behind the wall, watching y'all and he will come out when you're going to leave

Y/n: "then it's time for me to leave guys"

Jimin: "i'll drop you"

Y/n: "it's up to you Mr. Park" you smiled and y'all went outside. when you and jimin was heading to the car, someone ask.

Taehyung: "there's no hug for me?" he said while coming in to your way, the boys got shocked when he showed up same to you.

Jungkook: "hyung"

Y/n: "y-you were sleeping, wh-" you didn't complete your sentence when he hug you

Taehyung: "i want to hug you again and also...thank you for protecting me earlier" he said while hugging you and you chuckled

Y/n: "always welcome Mr. Kim" you smiled and patted his back

Y/n: "then i'll go" you broke the hug "don't drink alone next time" you said as you touch his chin with your index fingers, winked at him, and left with jimin.

Hobi: "why is she always cool?" he said while scratching the back of his neck and they all went inside

*Your pov

You and jimin was on your way at the hotel.

Y/n: "you don't really need to drop me"

Jimin: "but i want it, and also to make sure that you're safe" he said that makes you chuckled

Y/n: "thank you for concern" you smiled, your phone was ringing and you saw the name, it was your little brother

David: "hey sis!"

Y/n: "hey, why are you still awake?"

David: "to tell you something" he giggled

Y/n: "i know what it is, i already brought it so go to sleep now, it's late."

David: "yeahh! you're the best!" he said that make jimin chuckled

David: "why are you still awake too? are you in the car?"

Y/n: "yeah, we're on our way to the hotel too so don't mind me"

David: "we? it means you are with someone"

Y/n: "ahhmm uh-" he cutted you

David: "let me see that person" he asked, you turned your phone to jimin who's driving

Jimin: "hey little boy" he smiled

David: "woah, you're boyfriend is so handsome sis!" your eyes widened when he said that but jimin just laughed

Y/n: "shut up and go to sleep! if not, then no souvenirs. i'm easy to talk"

David: "No, i'm going to sleep!! but give your phone to that guy first" he said, and you handed your phone to jimin

Jimin: "what is it little boy?" he asked can't stop smiling

David: "protect my sis okay? i trust you"

Jimin: "don't worry, i'll take care of her" he said and winked to david, you take your phone and hang up.