

You entered the resort with your bleeding knuckles and still angry. your assistant quickly approached.

Ass.: "young lady" he said and saw your knuckles "young lady, you're bleeding! let's go to the clinic room" he worriedly said but you just removed your hands to him

Y/n: "thank you for concern but i'm okay, i want to be alone for now...please?" you said and about to leave but he spoke again

Ass.: "they are waiting for you young lady, since you left earlier" he said as he pointed the boys whose looking at you from the balcony of their apartment. you looked to them but just for a second.

Y/n: "just take care of them, i'm not in the mood now." you said and left.

While you are heading to your room, someone called your name.

"Young lady" when you heard it, you turned around and saw Suga who's sitting infront of the beach

Y/n: "why? do you need something Mr. Min? if there is, just tell my assistant" you smiled to him and turned back again to leave.

Suga: "yah i want to talk to you!" he said and you just stopped from walking and came closer to him.

Y/n: "what is it?" you asked while sitting beside him

Suga: "is it true that you're really a mafia?"

Y/n: "yes, do you hate me now?" you looked to him "just say it, it's okay" you giggled

Suga: "we were just so shocked, we didn't expect that."

Y/n: "what did you felt? are you disappointed or what?"

Suga: "no i'm not. honestly, i just said in my mind the word 'wow!'. that's why your look is so cool always, you're a great fighter." he chuckled "that's my type, that is what i want, the cool one. you know, i'm that kind of person who act like a bad guy that's why i was called as a savage king"

Y/n: "yeah i know"

Suga: "are you still mad?" he looked at you

Y/n: "yeah, i'm trying to control my anger and get it out of my mind but it keeps pumping in my mind....he just said the word i hate the most" you smirked

Suga: "he was just so shocked too. he can't hold his feelings earlier, sorry."

Y/n: "it's okay. he doesn't know anything too so i want to be alone to release this anger of mine" you said and about to stand up with the help of your hand but it suddenly ache "arghhhh" you said as you hold your hand

Suga: "are you okay?" he asked and noticed your bleeding knuckles "did something happen?" he asked you while holding and looking your hand

Y/n: "as i said, i tried to release my anger but it's still here" you chuckled "then i'll go now, you should take a rest now too"

Suga: "yeah, treat your wounds so it will heal immediately."

Y/n: "don't worry, goodnight" you smiled to him as he did the same and you both left.

*bangtan's pov*

Taehyung: "you two had a talk, is she still angry?" he asked when suga came.

Suga: "she was trying to control herself but she can't 'cause someone just told her the word she hates the most"

Taehyung: "then how is she?" he sadly asked

Suga: "her knuckles were bleeding, maybe she had a fight with someone"

Jungkook: "looks like the reason why she hates that word is so deep"

Jimin: "did her assistant said that she's the deadliest mafia right?"

Suga: "yeah, we became friends with a person who is a deadliest mafia" he smirked

Jungkook: "that's why she's good at fighting! now we know her already and for me, it's so cool!" he said with a smile


You woke up so early in the morning to hike alone.

You went out to your room wearing a black leggings, black sports bra, and a black jacket too. you went inside the coffee shop now to grab a coffee, but you didn't know that Bts was there too.

"Good morning Young lady" the staffs greeted you with their beautiful smile when you entered that makes you smile too

Y/n: "Good morning please" you said and the staff handed your favorite coffee

Staff: "here's your favorite coffee young lady" she said smiling

Y/n: "you know me well huh" you chuckled and about to leave but jungkook called you

Jungkook: "young lady!" he shouted that makes you looked at them

Y/n: "ohhh hello boys!" you smiled

Suga: "how's your hand?"

Y/n: "i already treated and wrapped it" you said as you showed your knuckles that was wrapped and one your men entered the shop

Men: "young lady, the car is ready"

Y/n: "i need to go now boys, have a great day" you smiled and left.

Taehyung: "she's ignoring me" he sadly said

Hobi: "don't worry Tae, her anger will going to disappear too"

Taehyung: "thanks hyung" he said and immediately stood up to go out and will follow you.

Taehyung: "special guest were allowed to use a car here right?" he asked the guard

Guard: "yes sir"

Taehyung: "then give the key of this car" he said and the guard gave the key.

Your assistant already dropped you to the place you told him, taehyung followed you.

Taehyung: "she's going to hike alone?" he thought while secretly following you climbing the mountain

Y/n: "why did he follow me?" you thought

Taehyung: "isn't she afraid to climb this alone? what if she got injured? ohh right she's strong" he thought

Y/n: "i hiked this many times, and i miss this place since it's been so long when i visited this" you thought

Taehyung: "it is so high? arghhhh i'm scared of heights! it's better if i'll just wait for you to comeback in the resort! why did i follow you?! what if you'll get more angry?" he thought

Y/n: "it's so near!!" you thought as you smiled "i'm sure he's already tired from climbing" you thought and chuckled

Taehyung: "i'm so tired...." he sadly thought