MafpKill; Daniel

Taehyung: "hello there Mr. Y/L. I hope you still know me....i just wanna say that, i'll always stay by your daughter's side." He said. You were just looking down, listening to him. "I'll protect as long as i can. I'll be with her through her bad times and good times. I'll do your responsibility to her, like will take care of her, lecture her everytime she did something wrong or maybe doing not good....i'll treat her as my daughter, sister, girlfriend and wife." He continued that makes you looked to him "i'll treat her based on how you also treat her as your daughter and also how i treat my mother." He said that makes you smile with a teary eyes. "As you know, i love her so much. I will never ever give up on her, leave her alone and hurt her. I'll do my best just not to disappoint you....i'll do my best to win her heart and make her mine. She misses you so much that she always cry everytime she's thinking about you" he said as you can't hold your tears again "please allow me to take care of her, to make her my girlfriend, to love her so much, to protect her and also to marry your daughter...i hope you are on my side Mr. Y/L." He bowed and hug you so tight "don't worry, i asked for your father's permission already. I know that he misses you too so much, so don't cry." He comforted

Y/n: "thank you so much....but i wanna remind you that i'm not still saying yes to you. You are being over protective rather than my dad already." You as he broke the hug and look to you

Taehyung: "that's why i'm asking for your dad's help to make you say yes to me" he said while cupping your cheeks as he wiped your tears too.

Y/n: "dad please don't allow him" you said and will going to go

Taehyung: "yah you're so mean!" He chuckle same with you as you both left the grave. the car where the boys are waiting...

Y/n: "sorry for earlier boys. Y'all shouldn't see me crying. I made you worried." You said

Jungkook: "no it's okay. We understand you." He smiled and hugged you.

Hobi: "being dramatic because of your parents is okay y/n. You don't need to apologize on that. We're here to cheer you up!" He smiled and hugged you too.

Y/n: "thank you for that....and by the way, i have a meeting to attend so if you want, you can just stay in a restaurant near the meeting place or come with me."

"Come with you" tae and suga said in unison that makes your brows knitted in their weid actions.

Taehyung: "i'll come because of you"

Suga: "i'll come because i'm interested"

They both explained.

Y/n: "weird, but do y'all agree with that? The place will be uncomfortable for y'all."

Rm: "it's okay, we'll come." He smiled and y'all left the cemetery to head in to your meeting.


Y'all finally reached the place. The MAFPKILL building.

Jimin: "what's with the name?" He confusedly asked while they are looking at the black building.

Suga: "does that name has a meaning?"

Y/n: "Maf stands for Mafia and Kill stands for kill."

Jin: "how about the P?"

Y/n: "Prey. And the owner of that is a good mafia too, like me....the owner of that building and some of us mafias, only knows the meaning. We can't share it to other people here 'cause as y'all can see, it's a restaurant and if they found out they might get scared and that's not what we want. But i shared the meaning of y'all, that's how big of my trust that you boys have." You explained as they were amazed about the meaning and were touched about your last words. "When we enter the restaurant, there's a big black door with a sign 'Private Area'. Inside of that door, that's the meeting place." You continued and y'all proceed.

...inside the restaurant...

You take the black card from your pocket to open the door. Every mafias who allowed to enter that private area, has a black card to prove that they know you.

The door opened, showing other mafias whose sitting at the bartender counter, and some of them were sitting and talking to each others.

Y/n: "the meeting that i have to attend is about mafia things. Don't need to be scared to those mafias here, they won't hurt innocent people like what i am doing. In short, a Good Mafias...Y'all can wait in the couch." You said as you show them where are they going to wait. While accompanying them, someone shouts your name and run towards you.

Daniel: "Y/nnnnn!!!" He happily said as he hugged you happily.

Y/n: "happy to see me?" You smiled to him as he broke the hug and nodded

"Young lady" all the mafias said in unison when they found out that you were there as they stood up and bowed to you. You give them a sign that they can sit back.

Daniel: "ohhh you bring them with you?" He asked as you both turned to the boys whose sitting and listening, while there's taehyung coldly staring to daniel.

Y/n: "yeah. They want to explore more in this country but instead they are exploring the mafia world." You said as the boys just smiled

Daniel: "you boys are exploring a dangerous world" he chuckled "y'all might be in danger but there's nothing to worry 'cause you have this girl who's gonna protect y'all."

Y/n: "it would be better if you introduce to them first before saying those damn words, right?" You coldly said

Daniel: "you're being scaredy cat again" he said in a rude way that makes you smiled "soooo, my name is Daniel, the owner of this building named 'Mafpkill'. Also a mafia leader and this girl very close friend...i know y'all so no need to introduce" He smiled same with them and his gazed landed on taehyung who's just still staring coldly at him, that started when he hugged y/n.

Daniel: "is everything okay Mr. Kim?" He asked that makes you and the other boys looked to him.

Taehyung: "YOU JUST HUGGED MY GIRL! AND YOU'RE ASKING ME IF EVERYTHING IS OKAY?! I WISH I CAN BEAT YOU! I'M SORRY BUT I'M JELOUSY." he thought so pissed "everything's okay, don't worry." He said and smiled

Daniel: "then let us excuse for now and borrow y/n. We didn't see each other for too long that made me missed her so much."

Y/n: "the meeting won't start yet?"

Daniel: "yes, so i wanna spend some time with you for awhile?" He happily said as he dragged you to his office

Y/n: "slow down i'll come!" You said to him.

Taehyung: "aishhh that boy!" He said so pissed to him that makes the boys chuckled

Jungkook: "someone is jelousing" he teased

Taehyung: "who's not going to-! Arghh whatever"