
*Your pov*

You went out of daniel's office now as you heard your assistants and the boys, talking about you.

Y/n: "enough talking about me. Let's go." You coldly said as you left first and went to your bike. "I'll visit the farm. Come if y'all want." You coldly said again as you drove.

The boys and your assistants got in the car and drove to the farm.

Taehyung: "mark, does your young lady mad?" He asked.

**Mark is your 2nd assistant, while John is your 1st assistant**

Mark: "mad, pissed or not in a good of that three is her mood." He chuckle

Taehyung: "then why?"

Suga: "this is just my information but i don't if it's true.....i was observing her when she got behind that mafia girl who wants to get your number. Y/n's glare is so scary that time. She looked at that mafia girl from head to toe with a death glare...i think she's jealousing." He chuckled as the boys giggled and taehyung smiled.

Taehyung: "she's jealousing?" I thought as i can't stop smiling.


Y'all arrived at the farm. The boys and your assistants got down as y'all approuched the farmers.

"Good morning, Young lady." they said as they bowed to you.

Y/n: "good morning" you smiled while the boys sat down at the bench. "How's the farm?....Mano po." You asked as you ask for their hands to show respect to those elders.


(The person giving respect may say "mano po" (literally, "your hand, please") to the elder to initiate the gesture, while the elder normally responds with "God bless you" or a silent blessing on the person giving respect.... Saying 'Mano po' to the elder is a filipino culture. We're going to say that to them to show our respect and also to ask for their blessing.)

A/N: "Y'all can google it guys so that you can understand it so well. Search this "Mano po filipino culture" ".


Farmer: "it's always good and it's always tiring" she chuckled

Y/n: "the others is in the farm?"

Farmer: "yes young lady" he said

Y/n: "i wanna join them" you smiled as you removed your jacket and your boots

Farmer: "but young lady you-" they stood up

Y/n: "it's okay. Please allow me. Y'all know that i am doing this too." You said as the boys approached you.

Mark: "young lady?" He knitted his brows.

Y/n: "don't stop me and just hold my phone" you handed your phone. You wear a boots for mud now and grabbed a hat.

Farmer: "young lady, you don't need to do that." She said and a 4 kids suddenly came to those elders. "You kids are in time" she smiled "stop your young lady okay?" They all chuckled

"Young lady!" They happily said in unison and came to you

Y/n: "ohh kids" you smiled as they hugged

Kid: "young lady, can you please just don't plant for now?" He pouted

Y/n: "and why?"

Kid: "let's just play a water! We're going to throw it in the sky and you're going to shoot it using your bow and arrow!" They are all excited "so it looks like it's raining" you just sighed.

Y/n: "okay fine. Wait me here." You stood up, wear your boots(the boots you owned).

"Your plan succeed" you chuckled to them as they did the same. "Where's my.....?" You asked the farmer, not completing your sentence but they got what you mean while the boys didn't.

Farmer: "it is hanging in the wall inside" he said and you went to get it while the kids were preparing already the balloons with water.

You went out now with your bow and arrows.(i'll comment the piture)

Y/n: "kids! Go to the farm now" you said while approuching them "ohh by the way, grandmas and grandpas. These seven boys is my close friends. Please have a conversation for awhile, the kids ask for my favor.....Maybe one of these seven guys is interested in farming, his grandmother was a farmer too. His G-mother would be disapppointed if he doesn't know how to plant." You teased as taehyung glared at you "just kidding! You boys if you want to roam around then go. I'm just with the kids" you smiled and left.

You were having fun with the kids. They will throw the balloon and you'll going to shoot it. You are happy, seeing them happy too.

Some of the boys(tae, kook, suga, jin)went to the farm to watch you and the kids. Rm, jimin and hobi, are roaming around.

Y/n: "throw it" you said as the kid throw it so high. You shoot it and the kids were so happy as the water pour down to them.


Y/n: "time to change kiddos! You will get sick if you didn't change now." You smiled and they all went to their home. You picked every arrows you used and stood a little bit far of a farmer standee. You shoot it madly, releasing all your jealousness by shooting it using your bow.

Taehyung: "what's with her again?" He asked and you suddenly shoot the tree where they are sitting. The boys got scared in your sudden action.

Jungkook: "yah! Are you mad?!" He shouted

Y/n: "yes i am." You said as you came to them and get the arrow that was stocked.

Suga: "why blue? That arrow and bow of yours was unique of all. I think there's a meaning."

Y/n: "yeah it has. I am the only one who has this kind of bow and if they saw the sign, design and color of the arrow, they know that it's me or it was mine."

Taehyung: "you're an archer too?"

Y/n: "isn't it obvious?" You said that makes them chuckled as you shoot the bird too. "Fck! Why did i do that?!" You said to yourself and picked the bird "i'm sorry" you said that makes the boys giggle to your cuteness. They can hear you.

Jin: "you're being childish again!"

Taehyung: "you just shoot it and now you're apologizing" he chuckled

Y/n: "shut up and just come here."