Mafia's rules

Suga: "you were busy, playing."

Taehyung: "and we're busy, watching."

Suga: "so you're good at playing basketball too huh"

Y/n: "yeah and i didn't tell y'all about it." you said "let's go now. I'm tired." You stood up as y'all went to the parking area. "John, drive the bike." You said, went inside the car and sat down in the very last and in the corner. The boys got in and taehyung sat down beside you.

...while on the way...

Jin: "y/n...."

Y/n: "sib..."

Jin: "can you tell the truth?" He asked, the boys were just listening.

Y/n: "i can tell everything to y'all if you ask."

Jin: "how rich are you?"

Y/n: "my assistants opened that up earlier, am i right?" You said while your eyes was closed

Jin: "yeah, so since i asked and i or we want to know, can you tell it if it's all true what your assistants said?"

Y/n: "they never lie" you straightly said

Rm: "then why you didn't tell us?"

Y/n: "because it's not that some thing that i need to tell everyone. I'm not flexing and hiding my wealth. If y'all find out then it's just still normal even though i tell you or not."

Suga: "you need to show us tomorrow all your properties you have that your assistants told earlier" he said that makes you suddenly opened your eyes.

Y/n: "what is it? What did you just say Mr. Min?"

Jungkook: "that's your punishment for taking us in to that damn room"

Y/n: "woah, the young lady were just giving a punishment for the first time" you smirked "i'll take that punishment as an honor" you sarcasticaly saidt hat makes them chuckled. You rest your head to taehyung's shoulder 'cause you feel sleepy. "I'm so sleepy. Lend me your shoulder for awhile." You said that makes him smile as the others were giggling

Taehyung: "no need to say the way y/n, what's the mafia's rules?" He asked. The boys can hear it.

Y/n: "there's only two rules...first, if it's mine, it's just only mine but if i said that i don't want it anymore, other mafias or normal people can have it....second, if you didn't obey the first rule, the owner of that thing they just steal or get without permission, will going to kill the one who disobey it." You explained and they were amazed as they realized something.

Taehyung: "that's why that mafia girl said that i'm lucky." He smiled, blushing. "But why did you said that?"

Y/n: "to save you" you said "why? She's your type too?" You asked, changing your calm tone in to a cold tone.

Taehyung: "you know that you're the only one i love. If she's my type, i already give my number." He chuckled "why? Are you jealousing?" He teased

Y/n: "tsk! And why should i be jealous?"

Taehyung: "i think you're right mark..." he giggled "your young lady is jealousing" he continued

Y/n: "this fucking assistant!! Do you really wish to die?!! Just wait until i can get rid of you!" You madly said that makes them laugh.

*Taehyung's pov*

I straightly asked what's their rules in mafia world and she said it without hesitating. It makes my heart melt! Even though she's not still saying yes to me or even though she's not telling me if she love me too! I wanna love this girl more and more and more! It looks like she's owning me already. She's telling those people who's flirting with me that i am her property! I wanna kiss her now, i wanna steal a romantic kiss from her now but i can't do it when the other boys are here!.....

After a few minutes, she already fell asleep in my shoulder. It will take a bit long before reaching the resort and since we all got tired that the other boys fell asleep, i rested my head to y/n's head and held her hand and put our hands in the pocket of my jacket. I didn't realize that i feel asleep too and that jin hyung secretly took a picture of us! But that's good hyung.

*Y/n's pov*

After 30 minutes of sleeping, you woke up. You lift your head from tae's shoulder and that you noticed that he's sleeping. He moved and placed his head in your shoulder. You also noticed that he's holding your hand so you just let him.


It will only take 20 minutes to reached the resort now and taehyung woke up.

Y/n: "how's the sleep while holding my hand?" You asked

Taehyung: "the best" he said still leaning his head in your shoulder and holding your hand

Y/n: "it's so obvious" you chuckled silently 'cause the boys were sleeping.

Taehyung: "y/n..."

Y/n: "hmmm?"

Taehyung: "why did you saved me from the mafia girl earlier? Why are you protecting me? Why are you so close to me already  even though you're not telling me your feelings?" He asked while rubbing circles in my hand.

*Taehyung's short pov*

I asked 'cause i'm curious and i badly want to know her feelings to me or maybe like i want to know her answer. I want her to slip all those words about me that she was keeping.

*Y/n's pov*

Y/n: "because i--...." you stopped

Taehyung: "because what?"

Y/n: "nothing." You lied "no! I can't tell him right now. I won't confess for now." You thought

Taehyung: "why?! Say it" he begged

Y/n: "not now tae" you said and he just sighed

Taehyung: "fine"


It's already morning. You went to the cafeteria and there you saw alexa.

Y/n: "morning"

Alexa: "morning!" She happily said

Y/n: "what's with you?"

Alexa: "i just feel like surfing now! The weather is so good to surf. So join me and have a fun like what we always do before!"

Y/n: "deal" you smile

Alexa: "yes!! I won't punish you anymore. Let's just surf and have some fun together."

Y/n: "thanks then let's change now. I'm still going to recieve a punishment today from those 7 dorks but thanks you're not going to punish me anymore so i'll just face 1 punishment."

Alexa: "because i love you so let's go" she said and dragged you.

...while changing...

Y/n: "do i really need to wear this bikini?"

Alexa: "yes of course"

Y/n: "you know that i'm rarely wearing bikinis"

Alexa: "yeah and you're just going to wear that today"

Y/n: "fineeee"

You both were wearing bikinis now.