Set up 2/2

**Y/N's POV**

Time's running so slow tonight as i am so busy working with some files and checking our attack plan.

While typing in my laptop, my phone started ringing.

Y/N: "why the hell do you need to call me if you can just come here?"

James: "actually Y/n ahmm me and james went out to just buy something but a...problem came up." He said

Y/N: "so what's your point here?" I coldly asked, knowing that they need to disturb me again.

James: "come here and help us. We both were still hiding from marcelus' men."

Y/N: "marcelus' men??? Can you fucking make it clear?!"

James: "s-sorry. Some of his men followed us. We actually need your help."

Y/N: "i'll just send some of my men there. I'm busy."

Daniel: "come on Y/n!! You're going to send your men and get them killed?! We can't lose men since the attack is near!"

Oh yeah right hella fuck.

Y/N: "send me the address YOU FUCKING TROUBLEMAKERS MOTHERFUCKERS!!" I cursed madly as i cut the call.

Before i leave the headquarter, i firstly grabbed my gun, my jacket and my mask.


While driving to head where the addressed james sent to me, i found the road so clear.

Like this street is quite. There's only some vehicles passing by as the street lights were just lighting up.

As i drive so near of the street number he sent, i noticed one familiar car being parked beside the road while a one man figure were leaning into the car.

I turned down the headlights of my car to see who that man is.

It's him.

The one i am with, in not good term.

Kim Taehyung.

I stoped my car right infront of him.

Before i get out, i stared at him from head to toe as i foud his outfit so hot.

Wearing a black with some color of it button up shirt while the top three buttons were being unbuttoned as his shirt got tucked in his black pants.

With his hair that got split, side by side. Showing his forehead.

Damn he looks so freaking hot!!


No Y/n! What the heck are you thinking?! Keep your cool man!!

I grabbed my gun and hid it in my back as i got down to face him.

That two fucking partner just set me up huh.

Y/N: "why are you here?" I asked the man who's been staring at me as soon as i got down of my car.

Taehyung: "to talk to you."

Before i can even say something, i noticed a car that is about to leave the place.

As soon as i looked in the road, i quickly shoot the tires of the car before it can even drive away.

Daniel: "YAHHH!!! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He complained with his head sticking out of the car window.

Y/N: "what's this?" I coldly asked, talking about why did they call me to go here.

Daniel: "Taehyung needed our help so we did helped him."

Y/N: "you can just tell the truth. Why do you both need to lie on me? You know i don't like to be lied to." I said while death glaring them.

James: "we just want you both to be okay again! We're just trying to help okay?!"

"How can we go back now?!"

Y/N: "walk."

Taehyung: "use my car." He said as the two boys quickly get in and drove away while some of the men who came with taehyung left also with the car that i just shot.

Now we're left alone.

Y/N: "there's nothing to talk about." I looked at him now as he did the same.

"But to fix, yes there is."

Taehyung: "let's not fix it here. Move to another place." He said and get in the car as i also get in.

The whole ride was so silent as i stopped the car to the place where there's no passing cars and a bit dark road.

We both got out and faced each others again.

**Taehyung's POV**

Now my girl is in front of me.

It's time to fix it...

Taehyung: "Y/n." I coldly called since she's just looking at the road.

Y/N: "you're starting in your cold tone again. If you're going to get mad of me or what, just please don't. I don't want---"

I cutted her by reloading her gun that i secretly took in her car while heading here.

Taehyung: "stop saying that."

She got a bit shocked when she saw her gun on me and aiming at her.

"I wanna apologize to you Y/n. I didn't came here to argue with you. I'm sorry if i didn't listen to you. If i didn't understand your situation. If i keep my high pride again."

After apologizing, she quickly dodge my hand that was holding the gun and took it from me.

She remove the magazine that has no bullets on it. Woah i didn't know that.

She grabbed one bullet in her pocket, put in the magazine as she putted the magazine back in the gun, reload it and give it to me, still aiming at her.

My eyes widened on it 'cause i am pointing the gun in her head. If i mistakenly pulled the trigger, she's dead.

Y/N: "i'm the who's supposed to apologize here. It's my fault. I didn't called you as i promised. Even it's just a text, i didn't do it. I'm sorry if i left without you knowing it." She apologized as she closed her eyes, inhaled and exhaled.

Without wasting anytime, i quickly hugged her so tight and removed the magazine.

Taehyung: "are you kidding me?! Why did you put a bullet on it?! What if i pulled the trigger mistakenly?!"

Y/N: "then i'll die by your hand." She said as i hugged her more tight.

Taehyung: "that will never happen." I burried my face to the crock of her neck.

Y/N: "now get in. I'll take you back." She patted my back as i nodded and get in first.

She opened the door and will get in. Before she can even sit down, i quickly grabbed her waist and put her in my lap.

Her legs by my side to side as my hands remains under her shirt, holding her waist.

Before she can protest, i make her lean and kiss her.

Tasting my girl's lips again as i tightened my grip on her waist.

Her hands in my head, stroking my hair as the kiss deepened.

Few minutes passed we both broke it to catch our breathe and smiled to each others.

Y/N: "you sure we're okay now? Or you're still hating me?" She asked but i kissed her again.

Taehyung: "i came here to fix it Y/n. Even it's dangerous to come near of your place. I don't want to be not in a good term with you for so long. I'll really regret it." I explained but she just burried her head in my neck

Y/N: "now, you made me don't want to promise to you anymore." She said still leaning in.

Taehyung: "what?"

Y/N: "because i broke it once already. Guess your trust of me is not that deep anymore."

Taehyung: "no Y/n. It's still the same. You didn't meant to broke it. I understand it now." I smiled and hugged her once again.

Y/N: "then let go of me. I need to bring you back already." She said so i did. She got back of her seat and started to drive.

Taehyung: "so are you going to stay with me tonight?"

Y/N: "nope."

Taehyung: "what? Why?"

Y/N: "i'm working there Tae. I just got disturbed by the SET UP." She said that makes me a bit sad.

Taehyung: "fine." I sighed