Stomach ache

**Taehyung's POV**

Y/N: "for real?"

"You are really making me choose too?"

"Do you know how miserable i am, thinking of that deal?"

"Do you know how i am struggling everyday to deal with it?"

"Do you even know that i barely eat my food and sleep for just 3 hours because of my work?"

"Do you even know how much i cried, thinking that i'll hurt and lose you if i say yes to him?"


"I'm in depression because he made me choose between the things i don't wanna lose, Yet you did the same."

"Instead of making me strong, it's like there's more coming reason for me to say yes and go away with him. Leave everything behind and think of nothing at all."

All of her words got pierced into my heart.

She's breaking down infront of me. She's tired of everything.

She's suffering a lot which we can't see.

Taehyung: "I-- i didn't...mean." I whispered cried as my hyungs comforted me.

"Just please don't leave me." I continued.

Then suddenly, she collapsed.

"Y/N!!" We called and approached her.

Uncle Vic shakes her body but she didn't respond.

She's sweating a lot with a heart beating faster.

Meanwhile, Auntie Olivia quickly called her private doctor.

She's now laying on her bed here in the private island while we are all waiting for the doctor to finish his work.

Doctor: "it's not good." He sighed as he hanged his stethoscope on his neck.

Auntie: "what do you mean?"

Doctor: "her health becames low."

"I guess she's not eating properly. Her sleeping time came along too."

"She needs to eat 3 times a day and sleep on time. If she didn't, there's a chance for her to have an Ulcer."

"And lastly the reason why she passed out, was her tired body and lack of energy. She needs to rest more."

This is not good Y/n..

I'm sorry...

"I'll give her some medicines. Make her take it after she eat her dinner."

Uncle: "thank you."

Doctor: "i hope Young lady gain her energy fast to avoid having Ulcer."

"I'll visit her sometimes to check her health." He smiled and finally left.

Auntie: "who wants to help me cook delicious foods for dinner?" Auntie asked with a smile on her face

Jin: "we'll help." They all left, leaving Me and Uncle with Y/n.

Taehyung: "i'm sorry." I apologized as i lowered my head

Uncle: "you did nothing, Tae."

"It's just that you made her choose too and she didn't expect it."

"Have a talk with her when she wakes up. You just knew about the deal too. I'm sure you are still processing." He reassured and left me too.

I looked over Y/n's sleeping figure. I can see in her face that she's really tired.

This girl loves to over work herself, not minding her health.

She's been struggling, yet i'm not beside her to help and comfort her.

What an idiot, Kim Taehyung.

I took a glance on her face again before leaving.

Taehyung: "I'm sorry." I said as i leaned to kiss her forehead and left her room to help them downstairs.

**Y/N's POV**

I woke up and look at my surrounding. I'm in my room.

Sitting up and thinking what just happened.

"I collapsed." I said to myself as i got out of my bed.

I got out of my room and quitely going downstairs.

While i'm on my way, laughing, scolding and teasing can be heard.

I figured out that they were all in the kitchen.

I stop my track a bit far from the doorway of the kitchen where i can see them and just watch them laughing around.

Crossing my arms and leaning against the end of the stair railing, a smile plastered on my lips.

Seeing them just being happy, living happily and safe, is what i only want.

"HOME." That is what i said on my mind while looking at them.

They didn't notice me, not until a 2 freakin' ugly bitches motherfuckers, came shouting my name that makes the people in kitchen come out.

Daniel: "ohh hey Y/n! You're awake! How are you?"

James: "we heard you collapsed."

They both asked with a smile on their faces.  Guess they are laughing around while they're on their way here.

I just turned to them with my arms still folded.

Y/N: "showing up with a loud voice makes me want to beat the shit outta both of you."

James: "why are you so mean?!!" He shouted

Y/N: "stop shouting for god's sake!" I said in a pissed voice

Daniel: "we're just concern!"

James: "well that's what you get when you're not listening. We always told you to stop over working but you didn't listen!"

Y/N: "you're not my parents to scold me so shut up."

Daniel: "well we also don't want you to be our child, you crazy hard headed woman!"

I closed my eyes and sighed deeply.

Y/N: "that was enough for me to kill you both already."

"Come here." I said rolling up my sleeves while approaching them

They both ran towards auntie and uncle, also hiding behind the boys.

Uncle: "alright that's enough, let's eat."

We all sat down on our seats and started eating.

I just stayed quite, listening to their conversations.

While eating, someone suddenly put more meat on my plate.

Auntie: "eat more." She smiled

Then next someone put veggies

Uncle: "veggies are healthy." He smiled.

My rice is just a bit now but someone put a full scoop again.

Taehyung: "more rice for you, Young lady."

David: "no wines for now sis, drink more water only." He cutely smiled as he place a glass of water beside my plate.

Hobi: "i'll cut fruits for you after this." He happily offered.

I'm looking at them in disbelief.

What the heck are they doing???

Y/N: "hold on." I said dropping my spoon and fork in my plate as i leaned my back on the chair.

"What's happening?" I questioned, knitting my brows.

"I almost finished my dinner but my plate got full again."

Jimin: "your doctor checked you earlier when you collapsed. He said your healthy becomes low and you need to gain your energy."

"There's also a chance for you to have an ulcer if you won't eat properly."

Y/N: "nahh i won't eat this anymore."

"I'm full."

David: "you can't get out of that seat until you finish your foods." He said with a warning tone.

Y/N: "which doctor checked me earlier?" I coldly asked.

Uncle: "no one's gonna tell. I know what will you do."

With that, i deeply sighed and just munch my foods.

In the middle of my eating session, the part of my stomach between my breast and belly suddenly ache that makes me flinch and drop my spoon.

I touched it and rub gently.

Taehyung: "are you okay?"

Y/N: "yeah. It just ache, maybe because i didn't eat a lot these days." I said and continue eating as they nodded.

Few minutes passed, it aches again and this time i gag.

I quickly stood up when i'm in the urge to vomit.

As soon as i reached the sink, all of the food i ate, threw up.

My throat hurts because of vomitting as the pain in my stomach remains.

Auntie were rubbing my back and uncle give me water.

I throw up once more but this time, there's a blood.

I just stared on it while breathing hard with sweats dripping from my forehead.

Auntie: "the-there's a blood." She said in shocked.

I open the faucet and clean my mouth.

Uncle give me another glass of water as i drank it.

Y/N: "did the doctor left some medicine?"

Auntie: "here." She handed as i took it.

Taehyung: "i think we need to call her doctor to check her again."

Suga: "he's right. Vomitting blood is not normal anymore."

Y/N: "no. I mean not now."

James: "woah i thought you're pregnant!"

Y/N: "let me just fucking kill you once and for all."

Daniel: "you never know Y/n...." He said, really pissing me off.

"I spotted a ahmm you know, a markie-mark on your neck when you cameback after you came here the night we set you up to meet Tae." He continued wiggling his brows as my eyes widened.