12. The Agreement

Elise had already explained her predicament and misery, but Elena took advantage of the situation and asked for five hundred million in return for helping her. Help? Elise is not sure Elena did that. Elena is taking advantage of the situation. And Elise would take all the rights from that child later.

Elise will also make all of this clear. There must be a written agreement and Brian must know all this. Yes, she doesn't want Elena to cheat and break the promised promise.

More importantly, Elise starts to worry that Elena will take Brian over if she doesn't make boundaries and written agreements about this. Elena can take advantage of Elise's predicament to earn money, the cunning girl will surely devise a plan to snatch Brian from her side. Because Brian is a wealthy man who is very popular with moneylenders like Elena. Elise was sure of that.

"Fine, I'll provide five hundred million tomorrow along with a written agreement on this deal."


Elise looked back into Elena's eyes. She still studied the girl's eyes. As if trying to peel away whatever Elena was hiding and planning. But Elena still had a flat face like before. Her only thoughts were on the five hundred million bills and Diego.

"Twenty years we haven't met, you've changed. I don't seem to recognize you anymore." Elise now looked at Elena with a different view. It was as if the girl in front of her was a foreign woman who had just met her.

"The harshness of life makes me believe that money is very important in this world," Elena answered in a flat tone and glanced at Elise with the tail of her eye.

The harshness of life taught Elena that tears wouldn't change anything. Life goes on and money is badly needed. Can crying and begging for other people's mercy bring you five hundred million? It is impossible.

They may be willing to assist but it is sufficient. Can five hundred million be accumulated overnight? Not! It took a very long time to collect if Elena did that. And Diego won't be able to wait long for the five hundred million to be raised.

This is the only way. Only in this way would she get the five hundred million in a quick time. Elena only needs to make her face and heart thick, allowing the strange man who is her sister's husband to touch her and give birth to a child that will never be found.


Elena sat waiting in the lobby of a luxurious apartment building. Elise had already contacted her to meet at the place so they could discuss their agreement. And Elena came thirty minutes earlier than their promised time. She hoped Elise would fulfill her request for five hundred million in cash as the initial payment of their deal.

Shortly thereafter Elena saw Elise and Brian walking into the building. Elena immediately stood up to greet them. The corners of Elena's lips were drawn into a smile to greet them, but that smile immediately vanished when she got a sharp glare from the husband and wife who were now in front of her.

"Come with us." Elise walked, taking Brian's arm to the elevator. Elena could only nod in resignation and followed them.

Now Elena is sitting in the living room of Brian's apartment. She sat on the single sofa opposite Elise and Brian who sat on the long sofa opposite her.

"According to our agreement yesterday, I have asked the readers to make a contract agreement regarding this agreement." Elise took out an envelope from her luxury bag.

"Read this letter of agreement, I've made everything clear there."

Elena takes the envelope and brings out some papers about this deal which she should read.

Elena's eyes followed every word written in the agreement letter. There it is written that Elena must become pregnant before six months of this agreement.

"What if I don't get pregnant within those six months?"

"Then you must pay back half of your money, which is two hundred and fifty million."

Elena fell silent. Can she get pregnant within six months? What if Elena isn't pregnant? If that happened, she would have to return the two hundred and fifty million to Elise. Where did she get that kind of money?

Elena shook her head softly to dispel her momentary worries. The most important thing right now was to get five hundred million for Diego's surgery. Her pregnancy problem, Elena must be sure and believe. After all, she's a healthy woman with regular menstrual cycles every month.

Elena returned to reading the agreement letter.

"So I have to live in this apartment for the duration of the appointment until I give birth?"

"Yes. As long as you are still under an agreement with us, you must live in this apartment. When you get pregnant and the gestational age is old, the two of us will switch places."

Elena was silent to digest Elise's every word. Even if she was in a hurry to get the five hundred million, she had to understand all these agreements.

"I just live in this apartment and have sex with your husband until I get pregnant and give birth to his child." Elena didn't want to look at Brian at all. She was reluctant to look at the man, as if afraid and very embarrassed because she agreed to this agreement.

"Yes, right."

"That means I can still work and be free to go anywhere. While I'm ready to sleep with him."

Elise was silent for a moment. Her heart ached when she heard Elena say she was going to sleep with Brian. She was also worried that Elena would renege on this deal and run away after getting five hundred million. Seeing Elise's doubt, Elena quickly said.

"I will not run away. I will carry out my obligations until this agreement is completed."

"Fine. You can still have your own time. But you have to be in the apartment every night."

"I have nothing else to say. I'll sign this letter if you give me five hundred million now."

"We can't pay you in full upfront. You only get ..."

"Five hundred million today or our deal's off," Elena insisted.