15. Bitch

Elena had promised to return to the apartment in the afternoon but she didn't come even now it was ten in the evening. Elise will be mad at her. Especially the man named Brian. Remembering that man's sharp face made Elena shudder. With just one look, Elena can already guess that Brian is not easy to talk to. And it was better to obey the man's words than to deal with his anger.

Elena is now standing on the side of the road. It was late at night there was no more public transportation such as public transportation or buses. Elena has to find a taxi. And taxis must also be very difficult to find at ten at night like this.


Now Elena is standing in front of Brian's apartment door. The girl calmed her heart that was beating very fast. Earlier Elena managed to get a taxi after forty minutes of waiting by the side of the road. She even had to explain to the security of this luxurious apartment building that she was a relative of the Fernandez family, to be allowed to enter.

After all that long process, Elena finally stood at Brian's door at eleven in the evening.

Elena still controls her heart rate. Her fingers trembled as she pressed the bell button on the side of the door. Elena recites a prayer, hoping that she will survive Elise's or Brian's angry tantrums. Elena's heart rumbled, even more, when the door opened and revealed Brian's stiff face and sharp eyes drawing it. As if with those eyes Brian could kill Elena.

Now Elena is sitting with her head down, afraid of the sharp eyes of the man sitting in front of her. She looked like a chick a male ferret was ready to eat. Once hit Elena can die immediately.

Elena's eyes glanced occasionally at the floor covered with ceramic shards. Just one look, Elena can already guess if all was Brian's doing. And Elena is increasingly afraid of him.

"Mercy bitch," Brian hissed out his voice.

"You said you would come back here in the afternoon. But why at midnight like this have you just arrived? Are you trying to test the limits of my patience? Do you think this deal is just a game? Do you want me to sue right now? " Elena just silently accepted all the rage and shouted Brian.

Elena's quietness makes Brian even more upset. The man pounded on the table, taking Elena's body throb in shock with a heart that almost jumped from her chest cavity.

"Are you deaf? Why don't you answer me? Is what I say only the wind then for you ?! " shouted Brian as he leaned over the table so close to Elena. The heat and anger wafted out of Brian's body, making Elena tilt herself even more against the back of the sofa.

"Sorry," Elena squeaked softly to Brian. Her heartfelt like it was about to fall out at this moment, it continued to beat so fast that it felt like it was about to burst.

"Sorry? It's easy for you to say sorry after making me wait here for hours. Then where is your cell phone that you say you can reach, huh ?! Did you sell that cellphone and buy a new cellphone with the five hundred million you got this morning? Did you come this late because you lost track of time shopping and spent the money? "

Furiously Brian grabbed Elena's jaw and raised her face. Seeing a face that closely resembled Elise made Brian grunt and turn his face away. His hand violently removed Elena's jaw.

"Don't because you are Elise's twin sister, you can act as you like and as you like. You are bound by an agreement with me because I have paid you. And don't expect me to treat you like a sister-in-law or anything, because you're not worthy of respect. There will be no siblings who are as cruel as you. The one who has the heart to take advantage of her younger sibling's difficulties just to get a lot of money. "

Brian's words pierced Elena's heart. The woman looked down deeply and a single tear rolled down her cheek. She could not possibly deny what Brian said. Because in fact, she did use Elise to get five hundred million. She even asked for the money to be paid in advance. How cruel she was as Elise's sister.

"Elise asked me to maling love with you tonight. She wants you to get pregnant soon. But I won't do it. I'm sick of seeing you tonight. And I don't want to touch you before the doctor examines you. A mercenary bitch like you would sell her body to any man just for money. And I don't want to have sex with a woman with pain. " After saying that Brian went out of the apartment. Leaving Elena who now can no longer hold back her sobs.

Elena's cries just broke out, her breath was faltering and she felt real down at the moment. The woman even ignored the pain in her stomach that she had not filled up. The wound in her heart was more painful than the sore in her stomach. Not because of what Brian said, but because of her inability that Elena did all this. Hurting her sister, using Elise's situation for money, also because Diego is not by her side at the moment makes Elena worse off and alone. The woman lay curled up on the sofa. Like a fetus curled up in its mother's womb. However, there was not an iota of warmth enveloping Elena at this time. No. The tears continued to flow incessantly.

"Diego," Elena muttered softly calling Diego's name. She missed the man. She wants Diego right now. Wanting Diego to grab hold of Elena and hug her tight and say that everything will be all right.

"Die ... go." Over and over Elena mentioned Diego's name. However, only a silent wind approached her. This made Elena sob more and more. Until finally darkness enveloped her.