18. Three days from now

The nurse turned towards Elena with a frown in confusion. Where did Elena know her name? After she stared at Elena for a long time, it finally hit her.

"Elena?" said Mira confidently. Of all the people who knew Elena and Elise, only Mira always correctly distinguished the two of them. Even when Elena and Elise stood side by side with the same clothes, hairstyles, and looks. Even when Elena tried to trick her by pretending to be Elise, Mira could guess it.

Hearing her name mentioned by Mira, Elena is even more convinced that this woman was her best friend when she was a child. Elena and Mira quickly circled Diego's bed and hugged together. A smile was etched on Elena's beautiful face.

"Long time no see, Elena."

"Yes, I didn't expect to see you here again. And ...." Elena took off the hug and looked at Mira from top to bottom. She was amazed by the condition of Mira, who has now become a nurse, just like her previous dreams.

"You are fulfilling your dreams. You're a nurse now," said Elana touched and happy.

And the two girls began to share their life stories. Mira said that shortly after Elena was adopted, she was also adopted by a rich family that had no children. Elena also told her life story and who Diego was for her. But Elena did not tell her current situation. About her getting into a crazy deal with Brian and Elise.

After an hour of chatting, Mira was about to leave because she wasn't done with work. Elena also looks at the clock on her mobile. It was six in the afternoon, she had to get back to the apartment before Brian got mad at her again.

Before Elena and Mira parted ways. Elena asks Mira for help to contact her if something happens to Diego and asks her friend for help to frequently monitor Diego's condition. Because Elena can't always visit him and has to work.


Elena was just sitting on the living room sofa when Brian arrived. Elena straightened her back straight away.

Brian was now standing towering in front of her. Every time he saw Elena for some reason his anger flared up quickly.

"Diana gave me your medical results. And based on that, your fertile time is the fifth to the twelfth." Brian without greeting or preamble gets to the point. The fifth? That means three days from now. Elena's heart skipped a beat, it couldn't be denied, she was nervous and couldn't imagine a strange man would touch her. And take away her virginity.

"So, from now on for the next three days, prepare yourself. Don't ever get in touch with other men. I don't want another boy to admit to you as my son. And as long as I don't come here, don't try to run away from me. I will make you. regret for life if you run away from me. Understand? " Elena just nodded in resignation. Without being able to deny or deny Brian's accusation. Her tongue seemed to go out whenever Brian's sharp eyes stared at her. I don't know, Elena felt intimidated and felt guilty for taking advantage of Elise's weakness.

Brian paused to examine Elena's face. This woman in front of him was very different from Elise. So different that it felt like Brian wanted to crush all of Elena's bones. Satisfied with Elena's obedience and nodding the girl's head, Brian immediately turned around and left the apartment. He was too sick to linger alone with Elena.


Brian smiled at Elise who welcomed him to the Mansion. The smile that he rarely showed to others always appeared when he faced Elise. For Brian the happiness was simple, just seeing the woman he loved smiling.

Brian walked over to Elise and hugged her tightly. Occasionally he kissed his wife's forehead. Elise also hugged Brian's waist. Leaning in her husband's warm broad chest.

Elise loosened her arms and looked up to see Brian's face.

"How did it go? Elena is healthy? She has a fertile body and can get pregnant quickly, right?"

Brian's forehead frowned. He didn't like Elise talking about her twin. Makes the man have to think back to his frustration with Elena. A woman who took advantage of Elise's troubles for the sake of money.

Brian chuckled in disbelief and tugged at Elise's nose anxiously.

"Husband just got home, you should ask 'have you eaten?', 'Whether my day at the office went well'. But you even ask me about other women." Elise snorted softly.

"How was your day at the office?" asked Elise lazily. With pursed lips. Make Brian irritated and quickly kiss the lips.

"Everything is going well."

"So, how did it go?" Elise asked back. she is very curious about the results of Elena's medical examination.

"You don't want to offer me dinner first?" Brian teased, which made Elise frown even more. She knew Brian was just looking for an excuse to get away from her question.

"I've cooked your favorite rib soup." Brian laughed at Elise's bent face. Quickly he kissed his wife's lips.

"I'm hungry but don't want to eat it," Brian replied, staring intently in Elise's eyes.


"I want to eat you," Brian whispered in his deep voice near Elise's ear. And his naughty tongue licked Elise's earlobe. Sparked passion in Elise's body. Brian increasingly kissed and sucked Elise's neck. Made the woman even more agitated and sighed softly as Brian kissed her neck.

"Brian." Elise took Brian's face away from her neck and looked into the man's eyes. And a second later their lips pressed tightly together. Start tasting and sucking to suck the intoxicating taste that has become addictive to each of them. Elise's hand was tightly wrapped around Brian's neck. And Brian's hand was already holding Elise closer to him.

That gentle kiss turned wilder and more demanding. The passion that burned made Brian couldn't wait anymore. He lifted Elise's body and the woman swiftly wrapped her legs around Brian's waist. Then Brian walked to their room.