53. A Pink shirt

 Brian nodded, he couldn't bear to refuse Elena's wish. Elise had already told her that Elena has fast-changing emotions.

 Even though Brian had nodded, he remained silent with his hand that continued to rub Elena's stomach. His eyes were now staring at Elena's belly.

 Elena sighed in embarrassment. "Brian! It's already noon, don't you want to take a shower?" Elana asked with an annoyed expression on her face.

 Brian looked up and realized. Jeez. He withdrew his hand and stood up quickly. Then go into the bathroom.

 Elena prepares Brian's clothes then goes downstairs to make breakfast. She had to replace Elise's role. Besides, she was used to helping Elise make breakfast in the morning.

 Elena curled her hair and started to prepare the ingredients. She will make fried rice for breakfast this morning.

 Auntie Yanti went into the kitchen area with the morning paper and put it on the dining table not far from the kitchen.