128. Move Faster

But how can Diego say that if Elena is no longer a virgin, she has had sex with Brian, became pregnant and gave birth to his child. Even though Fajar is his close friend but he doesn't want anyone to look down on Elena because of that crazy deal.

 "I can't explain it to you. I really want to be angry with her for that, but it all started from my own fault. I made her close to that man. And Elena has also said that she will continue to be together and continue our plans."

 Hearing Diego's words, Fajar was a little disappointed that he didn't get an explanation for everything. But he could understand, he couldn't force Diego to tell him everything. At this point, it was good that the man would tell him about his anxiety.

 "If so, why are you daydreaming with a gloomy face like this? Wouldn't Elena prefer you and be willing to be with you forever." Fajar tries to encourage Diego who has been looking sluggish and full of thoughts.