150. She gone

Elise's lips opened but no sound came out. As if her vocal cords had disappeared somewhere.

Elise really didn't know what to answer. She was still thinking about what Rena said before at the restaurant. And she really didn't know what steps to take. And now Rena asks the same question at the end of her life. And said it was Rena's last wish. Really, Elise was still hesitant. Can she divorce and separate from Brian. Rena said they both could still be on good terms even though they were divorced. But can Elise hold back and accept their new relationship. Elise was also afraid that if she would sink back into the abyss of darkness, she would be lonely and alone like before. But what Rena said earlier also made Elise's heart doubt. If Brian really will not be able to forget Elena and even imagine Elise as Elena. It was better for Elise to back off. Elise also thought about what Rena said about pursuing her dreams and aspirations. So, what should Elise choose?