161. About Mira

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Mira's voice who was now standing behind Elena made the woman look back, then looked back at the middle-aged woman. So, the woman in front of Elena is Mira's adoptive mother.

"Of course because I miss you." Dewi replied, Mira's adoptive mother.

"How does Mommy know if I live here?" Asked Mira, confused.

"Didn't you tell me, yourself." Dewi's words made Mira frown and think, when will she tell Dewi where she lives.

"You said it before." Goddess Lies. Actually, Mira did tell Dewi which city she lived in but she did not tell her adoptive mother where the exact address of this apartment was.

Dewi knows that Mira is staying here based on the information provided by the detective she hired. She was very worried and worried about Mira's situation. And want to meet her.