172. A mysterious man

 And no matter how hard Elise acted or covered up the secret, the more it came to the surface. In the end, Rena found all the secrets, including the thing that Elise wanted to hide from everyone, about the terrible incident.

 Thinking of how that attitude made Elise frown in displeasure. She now realizes that she used to be very selfish and selfish. Without ever appreciating the attention and affection that Elena always gave her.

If Elise remember clearly from childhood until now, Elena has always given in and gave Elise what she wanted. Even back then when the orlando family wanted to adopt Elena. At that time Elise cried sadly and was hurt because she was not the one chosen by the family, because in the past Elise wanted to have adoptive parents. Elena relents and switches positions with Elise so she can grant Elise's wish and make her sister happy. Even though Elise herself knows that Elena also wants adoptive parents and lives outside the orphanage.