194. Elise go

"Yes." Brian did the action again and Dean laughed again, making his parents laugh too.

Elise, who was still standing on the spot, felt her heart ache. She had tried to accept all of this but pain and regret always came over her.

While looking at Elena and Brian's cheerful faces, Elise muttered, "All this would not have happened if I didn't propose that deal to Elena. Mommy is right, I'm a selfish woman. I try hard and do everything I can to keep Brian beside me and not leave me. But it turned out that it was my efforts that finally pushed Brian away and left me. "

"If I were more open to Mommy, if I could show how much I love Brian and ask her to allow me to do IVF, maybe right now I'm a laughing and happy woman sitting next to Brian right now."