196. Allergy

Yanti had a hard time understanding Elena's words but she knew from Elena's posture that she was handing her a bouquet of flowers. Elena wants Yanti to take the flower and keep it away from her.

Yanti swiftly took the flower bouquet and walked away. She had to get rid of the flower bouquet temporarily. After that she came back again and saw Elena who was still sneezing.

"Elena, are you okay?" Asked Yanti worried.

"I'm fine hatciii .. Just fine hattcii. Please hattchii ... take care of Dean first hatchi ..." Elena still has difficulty speaking fluently. Yanti, who understood Elena's words, immediately carried Dean.

"How about you?" Asked Bik Yanti worriedly.

"Over time the sneezing will stop. So don't worry." Said Elena with big smile on her face. 

"Really?" Ask Yanti a little dont believe. 

"Yes, i will be okey. So dont worry, aunty."

 "Are you sure?" Asked Yanti who was still worried seeing Elena who kept sneezing.