199. Tell Her

"Yes, of course. The people who work at the wonderfull cafe are like family to me. And I also took part in the opening of the cafe. So, the wonderfull cafe has its own meaning for me. And there I also met Elise for the first time in many years. Not meet up." Elena's face beamed. She thought back to a year ago how exciting, happy and exciting they were when they opened the first day of Wonderfull cafe. Remembering that makes Elena want to hurry to work. Besides making and baking cakes is her favorite, Elena also likes to joke and chat with others, such as Shelina, Evelyn and Merina.

"I became curious about those you already consider family and wanted to see what this wonderfull cafe you are talking about looks like." Brian's words made Elena come back from her daydream and stare at the man with a proud smile.

"Then you must stop by there. And I'm sure you will like it."