204. shelly seduice

Brian just entered his office followed by Fredy. The two of them had just returned from the shareholders' meeting.

 "They always demand higher profits. Never knowing that it is very difficult just to increase profits by five percent every year." Fredy grumbled after he sat on the sofa in Brian's study.

 "Yes, they are always like that. Too greedy and insatiable." Brian's reply agreed with Fredy's opinion. The man sat on the single sofa next to fredy.

 "Why don't you return their stock." Fredy's suggestion excitedly.

 "They don't want to sell it and want a price higher than the market price." Brian's lethargic sigh escaped.

 They were both silent for a few seconds. They can't do anything and can only be patient every time a shareholder meeting is held.

 Freddy suddenly remembered Elena. His body rose from leaning and eagerly stared at Brian.

 "How did Elena respond after getting a surprise flower from you?" Freddy asked curiously.