206. A Horor movie

"For the time being, let aunty yanti take care of it." Obviously Brian. Making Elena reluctant to answer yes. He felt it would be very difficult to just leave Dean. Indeed, dean will be taken care of by Bik Yanti. But Elena would definitely worry if she was away from her beloved son.

Seeing the doubt and worry clearly visible on Elena's face made Brian add.

"Don't worry, we're just going to see a movie and it won't be too long. So don't worry about dean." Obviously Brian again made Elena's face change with a thoughtful expression.

"So, want to go watch next week?" Brian asked again.

"Good." Elena agreed. After thinking about aging, Elena did need the occasional entertainment by going to the movies.

Elena's answer made Brian smile.

"Good. Shall we go at night, when Dean is asleep?" Brian's suggestion again which now immediately got a nod of his head from Elena.