212. Meet Someone

"I love you much more Elena. That's why I was so worried." Elena smiled as Brian put his arm around her shoulder and kissed the top of her head. They continued walking towards a luxury car that Brian had rented.


After almost an hour exploring the streets, Brian and Elena have now arrived at the resort where they are staying. Before getting out of the car, Brian put Elena's clothes back into his lover's body. When finished, Brian and Elena got out of the car and walked to their room.


Brian immediately dropped his body onto the bed as he entered his room. Elena who saw it could only shake her head. He sat himself on the side of the bed, right next to Brian who was lying down. He reached out his hand intending to caress Brian's handsome face. But he undoes his intention along with an amused smile on his beautiful face.

"YES!!" Brian shouted as Elena pulled his cheeks in opposite directions.