


I paced the living room the umpteenth time. I can't just help it, my heart is beating fast, my mind is picturing so many things, my brain is thinking so really fast.

I looked to Carl, he's already asleep on the couch.

"Asleep?", I asked looking at him, my brain sending me a lot of things I could do while he was asleep.

I wanted to go out and see Bianca. I hurriedly picked up my car keys from the table and slowly walked towards the door so I wouldn't wake him up.

"You failed my test, I can't trust you", I suddenly heard him say.


"Look, I am so worried about Bianca ", I said turning to him. His eyes on me with a raised brow.

"She's mad at me and wouldn't pick my calls, she's coming down with something and I have to be by her side and I don't feel at ease, I feel like she's not okay, like,  I have to see her or hear her talk to me, please understand", I explained and he stopped looking at me as he sat up.

"I'll call her for you", he said and I hurried to him.

"Please do", I said.

He scoffed as he brought out his phone from his pocket.

"Her digits?", He asked and I gave it to him.

We listened to the phone ring but she didn't pick up.

"Maybe she needs some time alone", Carl said.

"Please call her again", I pleaded and he sighed. He tried her number again and she didn't pick up.

"Call Matthew", I hurriedly suggested.

"You're sickening me", He groaned.

"Please ", I pleaded and he nodded positively and called Matthew but he wasn't picking either.

"What's going on?", He asked worriedly.

"You see", I muttered getting up.

My worry level went from 90% to 100%.

"Don't you have any of her family's number", Carl asked.

"Bianca tossed my main phone away", I said and he heaved.


I came off the lift with Carl worried. The nurses at the reception had told us, Bianca was on the 7th floor, the 20th room.

Matthew had called us and told us what had happened to Bianca.

"Twenty... twenty.... twenty", I muttered going from a door to another in search of twenty.

Matthew came out of a room at the end with a sigh and I hurried to him.

"How's Bianca?", I asked.

"She's fine, you can check on her", he said and I turned to the door just for her father to walk out of the door and I stiffened.

I am weirdly scared of him.

"Jason", he softly called closing the door behind him.

Will he tell me to not see his daughter?

"Good day sir", I gently muttered.

"How are you?", he asked and I nodded positively.

"I would like to see Bianca", I said wondering what his response would be.

"Sure go in", he said and I initially thought I didn't hear him well.

"Sir?", I questioned taken aback.

"I can't hate the one my daughter loves, c'mon go in", he said with a slight chuckle and I nodded positively and gently opened the door.

I passed the father, now the daughter.

I looked into the room, Bianca was on a bed, her right hand was connected to a drip and she faced the other side of the room, she couldn't see me come in.

Maybe she's asleep.

I quietly walked in and closed the door behind me.

"What do you want?", she suddenly spoke up scaring me, I had to gasp.

Guess she knew I was around.

I looked at her as she turned her head to look at me. I heaved and walked further in, it was a big room.

"Babe...", I called.

"Don't tell me what I don't want to hear", she interrupted.

I kept quiet and stopped walking staring right into her eyes as she stared at me too.

"I missed you", I suddenly said and she rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Bianca please don't do this to me", I said attempting to seat beside her but-

"Don't you seat beside me", she snapped looking at me.

"Please don't do this to me, I missed you and you got me really worried too, my heart kept beating fast and I could have run mad if I didn't see you now ", I sincerely explained.

She sighed and tried sitting up and I helped her out, stylishly sitting beside her.

"Who said you should seat?", She asked.

"How can you tell me not to seat beside you?", I asked.

"I'm mad at you", she simply said shrugging her shoulders and looking away from me.

I took her face so she'd look at me.

"What happened?", I asked

"Why will my queen be in a hospital?", I softly asked gently looking into her eyes. I really love looking into them. Her eyes softened.

"You happened", she said taking her face away.

"I agree. I am sorry I happened", I said and she turned to me.

"Jay you know what I want", she said and I nodded positively and kissed her, softly and gently which she kissed me back.

"Please don't be mad at me", I softly said in the kiss and she pulled away.

"I really can't stay mad at you ", she said.

"Why did you say that?", She asked and looked away from me.

I sighed.

"It's for a stupid reason", I said hoping she'd look back at me but she didn't.

"I was just worked up", I said but she didn't look at me.

"And I felt like you were trying to protect me for yourself", I softly confessed and she turned to look at me and I looked away feeling embarrassed to look at her.

"What do you mean?", She asked. I could tell her eyes were piercing right into me.

"You were against me reporting to the police because you were scared you are involved too", I said.

"No I wasn't", she said.

"Yea I know ", I hurriedly said and looked at her.

"I was just being stupid, I didn't know what came over me, and I had the stupid thought. I was already worked up so I said that stupid word to you", I explained and she scoffed and looked away.

"Bianca I am really sorry", I breathed and she looked back at me.

"What other stupid thoughts do you have about me?", She asked.

"Bianca....", I called

"I'm a whore, I simply gave in to you immediately you came begging, I am so soft, you can joke with me, I am a crybaby, I disturb you a lot, you are tired of me....", She listed.

"Bianca please stop", I snapped and got up taking her by surprise.

"I guess I am not the only one with bad thoughts", I simply said and she looked away.

"I will give you some time to think things through", I said and walked out of the hospital room.

I was really mad at her. She's taking my love for granted and she's taking up my mistake to list her insecurities.

I sighed and leaned on the door feeling not too good about everything.

She's mad at me, I am mad at her, we are mad at each other and I really wanna be with her.

I left the door and walked down the hallway just to hear Brie and Leilani talk.

"....I am usually alone ", Leilani said.

"My sister is sick there's nothing I can do for now", Brie softly muttered.

"When should we meet?", Leilani asked.

"Heard you are on house arrest", Brie said.

"Yea but I sneaked out here to see you, I can do it anytime", Leilani muttered passionately and my brain tried figuring out what that meant.

Few doctors passed by them and they kept quiet as I hurriedly looked away, turning my back to them so I wouldn't be caught.


I and Brie stopped our conversation as we noticed about five doctors pass walk towards us. We watched them pass by us just to see Jason's back facing us, just a few feet away.

My heart skipped as I exchanged a look with Brie.

Jason bowed to the doctors and turned to us.

"Guys", he said with a small smile.

Did he hear our conversation?

"How long have you been here?", Brie asked.

"I have been in the hospital for minutes now", he said.

"How long have you been behind us?", I asked.

"Behind you?", He asked slightly confused.

"I left Bianca's room angrily and was gonna just leave when I saw the doctors coming and I was trying to avoid one of them, so I turned my back so he wouldn't see me", he explained and I exchanged looks with Brie.

He didn't hear anything.

"Leilani where's Elle?", He asked and I looked at him.

"She's downstairs", I hurriedly said and he eyed us suspiciously.

"Why do I feel like you both are hiding something? Were you guys usually this close?", He asked.

"Yes of course", I blurted.

"So, why were you mad at Bianca?", Brie hurriedly said. I could tell she was trying to change the topic.

"She just pissed me off", he said with a scoff.

"Did she forgive you for ...?", I asked referring to the fight I saw them had.

"No, I really don't know what her problem is and now she has pissed me off", He said and Brie chuckled.

"I'm sure you guys would sort things out", Brie said.

"How would you know that? You don't even know what a relationship is", he said.

"Geez do you think she's a kid? Should she tell you about every of her relationship", I teased and he chuckled as well as Brie.

"Of course she should, I am her future brother in law", he said.

"Yeah right, he's right", Brie said.

"Big brother, I am in a relationship, so I know about relationships", Brie said.

"Who is the lucky guy?", He asked.

"You'll meet her soon huh", Brie said.

"So, I should go beg your sister again? Since you know a lot about relationships", Jason asked.

"Yea go ahead, since you are both mad at each other, be the man", Brie advised.

"I'll do just that then", Jason groaned and we laughed.

"I'll see you guys later", He said and walked away and we heaved a small sigh of relief.


Brie said her!

She said her partner was her!

Is she a lesbian or was she joking or was it a mistake?

I wonder if Bianca knows about this.

I opened the door to Bianca's room and went in just to meet the doctors checking her.

I sighed and stood at a corner watching them run some tests on her.




Was Brie's partner Leilani???


Is that even possible?

I have a lot of weird thoughts.

"You don't feel pain anywhere?", One of the doctors asked Bianca who shook her head negatively.

"Okay then, by tomorrow you'd be discharged", One of them said and they headed outside.

"Wait! Can you loosen this stuff I wanna use the bathroom", Bianca said.

One of the doctors walked back to her and the others left.

I watched the doctor take the drip off her hand and-

"I'll be in the next room when you're done just press the button beside you", He said and walked out of the room.

I am left with Bianca.

"Are you totally fine?", I asked watching her get off the bed.

"I am", she simply said like she was avoiding a long conversation with me.

I sighed and let her go use the bathroom.

I picked up a bouquet of flower from its pot which was kept at the window and waited by her bed for her to come in.

She came in and I hid my hands behind me and she looked at me suspiciously before walking towards her bed.

"I haven't seen your mom", I said.

"She's out of the country", she simply said and sat on the bed.

I pressed my lips together and decided to go with what I had on my head.

"Bianca you remember when we first met", I said and she looked at me.

"I remember, why?", She simply said.

"You remember when I had asked you out and you said yes ", I said and she nodded positively.

"You remember all we went through together because you love me and I love you", I softly said and she nodded positively looking away from me.

"I'd never forget how much you've gone through with me, when my dad left me out there and I had no one, during my stupid stage and staying with me with my imperfection", I said and she made her hands go through her hair and she looked at me.

She softened up.

"You remember this flower?", I said taking the flower behind me so I'd show her.

She smiled and looked around.

"Yea the one in the pot over there", she said and I chuckled slightly.

"The one you asked me out with", she softly said.

"I am grateful you remember", I said and she gave me a small smile.

"It's been over 5 years now and believe me when I say I never got tired of you, Instead I am just so grateful you were there and I found you before any guy did ", I said.

"I am sorry for everything I caused you, I am sorry I made you have all sort of thoughts, I am sorry for making you feel insecure, I am sorry for hurting you", I softly pleaded holding her eyes.

"I really love you, the way I did back then, it didn't decrease and may be increased, I just love you", I sincerely said and she smiled and got up pulling me into a deep kiss.

"I am sorry too", she said once our lips parted.

"I shouldn't have acted that way", she pleaded.

"Look, it's fine as long as we are fine and you won't leave me", I sincerely said taking her lips in gently letting every good emotion I felt pass into her.

"Go drop the flower back to its pot and let's have fun", she said once we let go.

I chuckled and returned the flower.