
Leilani, Brie and Simon


I walked into the hospital room with a bottle of water in hand for Jason.

I sighed seeing Leilani was still all clingy. She laid on the bed with her head on Jason's laps and officer Matthew asking her few questions.

I walked to Jason and gave him the bottled water and he whispered a thank you as I walked back to the door.

"Was anybody working with him?", Officer Matthew asked.

"No I don't think so", She softly said.

"Okay then", he said and turned to Jason.

"Elle would stay here with you guys  ", he said and looked at me.

"In an hour or two she'd be discharged", he said and looked to Leilani.

"You should come to the police station ", he said and we nodded positively and watched him walk out of the room.

"I wanna talk to you", I said to Jason immediately after Matthew left.

"Why? I am ....", he tried explaining.

"I mean now", I said and walked out of the room.

A few seconds later I heard the door open and I turned to him immediately.

"What were you doing?", I asked.

"What did I do now?", He asked looking slightly confused.

"Leilani", I said and he smiled.

"You think it's funny?", I asked.

"Hell yeah it is", he said.

I folded my arms across my chest and turned my back right to him.

"You know she's sick", I heard him say.

"She's not begging you to hug and hold her, you've been watching over her since yesterday", I said taking a quick look at him before turning my back at him.

"Wait ..", he said and chuckled slightly.

I turned to him wondering why he was chuckling.

"What's funny?", I asked and he stopped chuckling.

"Are you jealous?", He asked.

"Whaaaaaatt?", I said looking away my cheeks turning slightly red.

"Why would I be jealous?", I asked and he laughed.

"It's normal", he said.

"I really don't care, just stay three feet away from her", I said and he hugged me.

Gosh! How can he hug so good?

He kissed my hair and released me

"You know what?", He asked.

"What", I asked and he placed his hand around my waist.

"Tonight let's go out on a date", he said and I placed my hands round his neck.

"It's been a while since we've had a time out", He said taking his right hand off my waist and taking the hair on my face off, before taking his hands back.


I miss that!

"What are we going to do on our date?", I asked.

"We could like go to the movies or something ", he said.

"That's common", I said.

"Okay what do you want?", He asked.

I pressed my lips together and looked around real quick.

"Let's go see a beautiful sight with every junk food", I said.

"That's common too", He said.

"What should we do then?", I asked and he smiled staring at me lustfully.

"We could...", He said taking his lips to my neck and I laughed pulling him away.

I am pretty sure he left an hickey.

"Let's just watch a movie", I said.

"Why should we watch a movie?", He asked.

"You brought the idea", I said and he rolled his eyes as I chuckled.

"We forgot we are on house arrest", I reminded.

"Geez, I totally forgot", he groaned.

"Let's just forget about the date and try to live. Now we know the murderer is on the lookout for each one of us", I said and he nodded, gasped like he remembered something.

"I have to tell you something", He said.

"What?", I asked curiously.

"Shyla...", He said and kept quiet like he was reconsidering telling me.

"What's it? speak up", I asked worriedly looking into his eyes.

"What happened to Shyla?", I asked.

He smiled and gave me a quick kiss.

"When we fought due to the Shyla thing I realized how much I love you", he said and I smiled.

I was sure that was not it but I decided not to pester him any further.

"How much do you love me?", I asked.

"Out of a hundred?", I asked.

"A hundred", he said and I smiled and wrapped his arm all around me, so I'd relax in him.

"After all of this shit I promise we'd have the best time ever making most of our lives ", he said and I only smiled wondering what he wanted to tell me and didn't trust me enough to say.


We including Brie all sat in an investigation room like students, waiting for someone to attend to us and wondering why we are here.

It was silent, none of us had the strength to chit chat like we would have if we were in class. There was a table, just like the teacher's desk right in front of us and we were all seated on the chairs like students waiting for their teachers.

The door opened revealing Carl and Kelvin . They calmly walked to the table and stood beside it.

"You're all here?", Carl asked looking at us, standing in front of us and we all muttered a yea.

"We've been quiet about a lot of things and most evidence we've seen", Carl stated.

"We figured one of you guys could really be behind this", Carl said and we started stealing glances at each other.

"And at the same time, we figured it is someone from outside trying to hurt you guys because you all had hurt the person or something", Carl said and we all nodded in approval.

"It's just weird that the killing is brutal and to me, I don't see a good reason why you have to kill people", Carl added and I raised a brow.

"Anyways you guys are weirdly celebrities now", he said and we laughed.

"You've been stopped from going to school and most things now, you guys seem to be the bad apple in the basket", he said and we all confirmed his words were right.

"Everyone's curious, higher-ups ups are into you guys, the.....",Carl explained.

"Of course the president's son is among us", I interrupted looking to Jason, the rest chuckled but Jason raised a brow conveying the meaning "does it even make sense?" and I smiled at him.

"No jokes guys this is a serious issue", Carl said.

"We can't dispatch every officer on you guys because there's a lot of bad guys out there, there are a lot of cases to solve", he said seriously and took a moment to look at us.

"We were thinking to place you guys in a building and we guard it or you guys just be the way you are with no guaranteed security", he said and everyone went silent.

"Well I think I need my parents and lawyer on this", I said and the others agreed.

"Alright then, we'd reach out to your parents and let them know", Carl said.

"By the way, you guys heard what Leilani said, the murderer is on the lookout for each one of you, it's best to stay indoors with at least a person with you", Carl advised and we agreed.

Carl sighed and looked to Kelvin who nodded positively and turned to us.

"We need you to help us, we need every information starting from Simon Bayman to the point where we are right now", Kelvin said.

"We have so many things to point to right now, much many evidence but everything ain't pointing to anything", Kelvin said.

"Your secrets are there, Shyla's phone .....", He said and my heart skipped a beat.


"....Shyla's phone, Leilani's issue ", Officer Kelvin said as I listened attentively.

"Sorry did you just say Shyla's phone?", Jake asked.

"Yea sure", Carl answered.

"We could get a lot of things out of it but, her phone is so encrypted and the experts are still working on it", Kelvin said and we nodded positively.

"We have those their secrets haven't been said yet, wouldn't that be unfair for it not to be known ", Jake asked and my heart skipped a beat.

What the hell is Jake's problem??

"About that we've decided to just let it go, it's not gonna help us", Carl said.

"The hell! I am not going with that", Jake exclaimed.

"Why are you being a jerk?", Jason spoke up.

"Jerk?", Jake asked looking to him.

"I was embarrassed dude", Jake said.

"Everyone was", Jason said looking to Jake.

"Do you guys like have something against each other?", Leilani asked.

"Yes I have something against Jason", Jake snapped.

"What?", Jason asked really surprised.

"I don't even know you, I wouldn't have stooped so low as to relate to you if not for the shit going on", Jason said and everyone was really impressed with his statement we all went "wow".

Jake is a total jerk.

"Have you forgotten? ", Jake asked and scoffed.

"You fucked my girlfriend", he gritted angrily and everywhere went silent.

"Okayy let's stop this", Carl said.

"Why do we have to stop it now it's about Jason", Jake asked angrily.

"I'm done with all of this shit", Jake said and stood up with the intention of leaving and everyone's phone went beeping.



"You had let Leilani escape death then you're the next person, Do you want to escape death? Do what I say"

The message that came into my phone as well as everyone's phone read.

"Try tracking this number I think the person is still gonna send another", Kelvin said to Carl and he hurried off.

I sighed and looked around wondering what's next? Everyone had their eyes on their phones. My eyes caught Bianca, she looked stressed and sick of everything. I looked away thinking back to what Jake had said.

I looked to Jake who already took his seat.

How the hell did she forgive me after sleeping with her best friend?

Our phones beeped again and I looked to my phone hurriedly.

"Leilani and Brie would love this one. How about you'd do a trio with Jason (wink)", The message read and I almost dropped my phone.

The fuck!

Matthew hurried in with a laptop and placed it on the table right in front of us.

"You guys need to see this", he said typing on the laptop real quick.

We nervously walked to the laptop and watched the news, he was gonna show us.

".....We aren't against the two girls- Leilani and Brie being lesbians, we are against the two of them using this to kill the innocent Simon Bayman .....", The newscaster said and a hand hit the switch off button interrupting everyone's nervous concentration.

"Brie what's this?", I heard Bianca ask and I looked at her.

She made her hands run through her hair and I was so sure if she could, she could have yelled "I am so tired of everything, I hate this situation and everything"

I looked to Brie who walked backwards like she's trying to stay away from Bianca.

I sighed and went to Bianca and held her so as to calm her down .There was no point in anything.