Chapter 1 - Origins

I never saw or knew my parents. I live with my Aunt. Well, my Aunt and Uncle to be exact. My Aunt, Sabine, brings joy and happiness to all. She is the best person you could have around. Her perfect figure, blue eyes, and dark brown hair are the best. My Uncle is Tom. He's a true hoot. He can do almost anything...except fly, of course. He has a strong figure with a serious but kind manner, and green eyes covered by glasses. His black hair just flowing in the ocean breeze fits him perfectly. I, however, never knew my Aunt's sister, my mother, or even my father for that matter. I heard they both died or left when I was born. Aunt Sabine could never bring herself to tell me why, or the true story.

She only told me that I'm part Syren. I don't age, well I do but slower than you humans. I also have this choker I wear all the time, in case I do have to change, if the time ever comes. When I was born, Sabine had the crystal; she put it in the choker so I wouldn't be "different". I have sky blue eyes with majestic black hair, and a perfect but strong beach body figure. My syren tail is a dark blue to teal ombre, and is very strong as well.

I only hear stories about my parents from my Aunt and Uncle, who also run their own flower shop. Well, Aunt Sabine does. My Uncle Tom is more of a food guy. He works as both chef and baker at a few different places. He's always up for the challenge, so he doesn't get tired. On Saturday nights, he makes us all meals, 5 star ones, so you could say he spoils us. In a good way, though.

I have this friend.. Well, she's more like a sister to me because I've known her my whole life. Her name is Kori, and she's the best at giving advice, (Sorry Aunt Sabine). With her cuddly figure, bronze eyes, her light brown hair with dyed green ends, and her funny and life meaningful manner.

She also has an older brother and a younger one. Oh, and she also has a boyfriend, but that's a story for later on. So are the brothers. I also remember being washed up on shore, which was different, I guess the syrens give birth, wash you up on shore, and just leave you on your own or something. But this is my story finally starting…