What a perfect morning, where the sound of birds chirping coming out from the window, not until Giselle's Alarm--that startles me. "Sorry about that," she said, "It's fine," I replied to her. I go stretched my body out of the room. I drink a glass of warm water, open up the balcony breathe the morning air.

*ding dong*

I open up the door seeing my Eonnie's on my door. Irene and Rose Eonnie hug me. Both of my sisters are Idol, one of them from red velvet and blackpink. I'm proud of them. Now, I'm following their step in this Industry. "Come in,"-- welcoming them inside.

"Who's it, Jimin?" ask Giselle,

"It only my eonnie's, aeri," I replied,

Giselle is the only person I told about my family. Since she births in the same year as me. "I bought you all breakfast," said Irene Eonnie--put a large plastic bag on the kitchen. "Thanks," I said. I prepare all the plates and the cutlery. "Aeri, can you awake them?" I ask, "Sure, give me a second," she said.

"Morning," said Winter. We eat our breakfast perfectly at 8. "Eonnie, did you make this?" ask Ning-Ning, "Yeah, I prepared it myself," said Irene Eonnie, "I help it too," said Rose Eoonie, "Help by eating it," said Irene Eoonie--a smirk on her face. I knew it. That was Rose Eonnie habit since we were kids.

Who was cleaning our plates? Irene Eonnie, the answers. She is my second mom figure when our parents are on a business trip. I told my mom and my eonnie today we will visit our parents; them. My mom be like: "Oh my, I must go to the supermarket now, and prepare a big dinner, bye,"

Opportunely we have 3' bathrooms in each room. We don't have to wait for each other to use the bathroom. "Jimin Eonnie, can I use your hairdryer?" asked Winter. I agreed. I put my lipstick on.


We arrive at my parent's house. The maid takes our luggage inside our room. "My parent is inside. Let's go," I said. They were busy admiring the interior design.

"Damn, you're rich," said Giselle,

I chuckle.

My parent's warmly welcome them. "Hi, I'm this girl's eomma," said my mom hug each of them. I introduce them before on the chat; that's why my mom knows their names.

My old room is still the same, after 4' years of my training period. I missed this room so bad. The trace of old memories get back on me, makes me proud of myself; all the hard work, all the years I spent on training myself, it pays.

Aespa Member:

K: Yo, shopping?

N: I'm in

W: Sign me up

G: I'm Giselle

I take my purse with me. "Eonnie, can you drive us to the mall?" I ask, "Sure, shopping?" she ask, "Yeah, bring Irene Eonnie too," I said. I walk into the backyard, my mom's favorite place. "Mom, I'm going out with my friend and eonnie to the mall. We'll be back at 4," I said, "Sure, have fun, sweetie," said my mom--focusing back on the plant.

What should we do for this 2' weeks trip? Should we go to the beach? Of course, summer is coming. I hope no one interferes on this trip. We arrive at this gigantic mall. "Let's go that shop first," said Ning-Ning--grab my hands.


We go to moon buck. I order [your favorite drink]. I feel someone for 15 minutes following us. Should I call security? I brave myself asking them, wish me luck!

"Hello, sorry, can I help you? perhaps, are you following us?" I asked,

"We're sorry, it just we wanted to have a sign of yours," they said,

"Oh, sure," I smiled,

"Thank you, we the MY's, Blink's, and Reveluv's always supporting you, fighting!" they said to us. I feel contently full by meeting one of the MY's. It was one of my dreams. Let's back to the topic. We're back to the car carrying the moon buck drinks with us; it's time to go home.


K: On our way back!

E: Okay, dinner is ready, so better hurry or your appa will finish it,

[Eomma send you a pic]

E: Delicious, see you at home

Dang, I want that chicken--it looks delicious. "Eonnie, can you speed up? The chicken is waiting," I said, "Chicken? I'm on it," said Rose Eonnie--she's a chicken lover like me. "Buckle up. This will be a bumpy ride," said Rose Eonnie. The sunset view was amazed me.

"Dinner is ready, kids," shout Eomma from downstairs' Instantly run downstairs with my slippers. "Smells nice," said Rose Eonnie--sitting beside me. "This food was delicious," said Giselle, "Thank dear," said eomma. My eomma, she cooking like a chef from a 5' star Michelin. Well, she's.

It's 8 pm. Everyone back to our room. Huft, what a day! I open my night with Netflix. I snap a pic for my IG story.

"Yo, I'm going to your room now," replied Giselle,

"Winter and I coming!" replied Ning-Ning,

Oh boy, am I in trouble now? It was supposed to be my me-time.

"Come in!"

"Ey, what are you watching?" asked Giselle, "your fav drama/movie," I said. I sign Giselle to be quiet. I have a plan for the maknae. I hid behind my door--wait for the maknae to come inside. "Boo!" Ning-Ning jump from her place, "Eonnie, you scared me," said Ning-Ning, "Aigoo, kamjagiya," said Winter.


At last, they slept in my room with me. Flashback, "Eonnie, can I sleep with you? I'm scared," said Ning-Ning, "Sure," I said, and then these 2' kiddos said, "Did I hear a sleepover?" that not what I talked. We decided to have our girl's time. "Let's play UNO," said Winter--with the card in her hands. When did she take that? "Sure, and who is lost will get a punishment," said Giselle, "Okay, deal," I said. "Let's pick a team. I'll pick Ning-Ning," I said, "Aeri Eonnie, you are with me," said Winter. Game start.

"Draw 2"

"Draw 4"

"Draw 4' again,"

"Akh, I losing it, someone helps me, I'm dying," cried Winter, "Ohoho, admit it, I'm the winner," I said--with a smirk on my face. "Yes, milady, you're the winner," said Winter, "One more round please?" said Winter, "Nope, it's bedtime," said Giselle. Winter. That's how it ends.

My throat feels so dry, and it's dawn at 5.30. I slip my slipper on and bring my phone with me. It's still dark down here, "What are you doing?" asked Rose Eonnie, "Eonnie, you startled me. I'm taking a glass of water," I said, "Why are you up this early?" I said, "Morning exercise, wanna come?" said Rose Eonnie, "Sure, let me change," I said.

I came down, seeing Rose Eonnie waiting for me on the living room sofa. "Sorry, I'm late," I said. We start our morning exercise by jogging.