Hallucination Quest | Ep. 3

A day full of chaos on Aespa homestay. Giselle that can control the light unconsciously snaps her hand that making their homestay light out. "Giselle! Can you not use your power?" I shout inside the bathroom--my eyes now burn from the face soap. "Sorry! I'm doing TikTok dances," she said.

I walk to the maknae's room, "Yo, Ning-Ning, how's the progress?" I asked, "Sorry, eonnie, I think your phone can't be saved," I must buy my new phone as soon as I land in Korea.

It must be my strong feeling. I found another phone in my bag. [Thanks to your sister for putting another phone with you] Whatever, as I said before, I found another found in my bag! Yeay! My phone is still the same iPhone 12, the red one with a clear case.

B'rich family chat:

K: Yo, I'm back fam's

D: Where have you been? Your mom was so worried and asked me to go after you!

K: Sorry, dad, my phone was broken, and this phone I found alone in my bag

Rose eonnie🥂🌹: It was my old phone that I put inside your bag

K: Thanks

Rose eonnie🥂🌹: No biggie

Rose eonnie🥂🌹: How's mom, dad?

D: She's fine, needs a lot of rest. How's Paris?

Rose eonnie🥂🌹: It was amazing! I wished to go there again. Ooh, dad, did you have my gifts from Paris by now?

D: No, dear, but I think it will be arriving soon enough.

D: How about you, @Karina?


"Let it go~ Let it go~ Can't hold it anymore!" I sing from the kitchen. I was so envious of Rose eonnie, you know why? She met Gigi Hadid at the met gala. She's one of my role models. Before being a trainee, I have a dream to be a model like her. Well, now I can do both models to a brand and sing a song to the world. I'm so lucky to hear my conscience that day.

Our manager gathered us around in the living room and asked us to write our wish list for this year. I write, "I wish we have our first concert soon and met all the MY's in real life," We put our wishes into a black box, and on the last episode of this show, they'll announce some of our hopes that will come true. I hope it's mine.

We go out from our homestay to tour around the city. We had 4' more days left here in Croatia. On one of the places we go, a man with a black cap and mask bumps into me--he does not say sorry for his mistake but, he whispered to me, "Look around your house and be careful with who you talked to,"

Does it mean our homestay? "Girls, I need your help on the house later on," I said. They agree after I take a long speech to explain it to them. We continued our tour around the city with a full stomach.


I scramble through the drawer, and there's no key on this house! "Where's it?" I mumble. Could it be in the game room? I walk fast to the game room, "There's nothing there," said a girl,

"Who are you?" I asked,

"I'm the owner of this place," she said,

"Oh, can I have 20 minutes in this room alone? I'm searching my things," I said,

"What did you search? Maybe, I can help you," she said, 'Be careful with who you talked to,' a short clip memory reminds me, "Oh, it's nothing important, just my lipstick," I said,

"You meant this lipstick?" she said,

"Oh yes, and there's one thing more, can you leave me alone?" I said,

"Gladly," she smiled.

She seems sus to me. I thought that the owner was an old lady? I open up the curtains to make my job easier. Aha! I found it. One more key to go! I inform them through the chat. "You can use it now," I said, "Wait, I need your help," she said.

She asked me to help her find her car keys. I was squat beside her with my hand finding the key. I feel some cold metal brush against my skin. "I found it!" I exclaimed, "Where?" she said, "Ah, nothing, it's just a magnet that I found," I scratched my hand to the back of my neck. It's Ning-Ning symbol keys--the last keys. "Are sure it just a magnet? Can I see it?" she asked. I was panicked and saw a magnet hang on the drawer, "Here," I picked the object to show her, "Okay then," she said. Deep in my heart, I was so thankful for the Ning-Ning magnet that she left. I dismissed myself from her.

"Hello, meet me in the car and bring the kids," I said through the phone call with Giselle. "Did you find them all?" asked Giselle, "Yeah, here it is," I show them, "Waah, it's so beautiful!" exclaim Ning-Ning, "Why asked us to meet at the car in sudden?" asked Winter. I told them about the girl I met back in the game room. "I think in this stay, we're not safe anymore!" said Giselle. I suggest living in my family hotel in Croatia. "You had a hotel? Five stars?! Since, when?" they gasp, "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" exclaim Ning-Ning.


Most of our things are inside the trunk except our bags and the keys. "Eonnie, why don't you tell us about your family," asked Winter--holding the camera toward me. I'm the maknae in my family. I had 2' older sisters that have the same profession as me, Rose eonnie and Irene eonnie. My family had a small business "around the world," I mumble.

"Look, there's it," I change the subject, "Woah, so luxurious!" exclaim Winter. We entered inside the elegant lobby, "Wait here, I'm gonna check the room for us all," I said, "Sure, take your time," said Giselle. I go to the hotel reservation and take our room keys. Yes, I took all the 28th floor that contains 30's room. "Let's go," I said.

We start unpacking our things in the closet. Swimming? Check. Our next stop is the dining room. We entered our private room on our floor. "Waah, mash potatoes!" I exclaim. Wait, I must tease Rose eonnie with the dishes.

B'rich family:

K: Look, what I eat tonight? It's good, right!

D: Yeah, you make me hungry. Are you at our hotel?

Rose eonnie🥂🌹: Give me some! I'm on your left

I look to my left and guess what I see, yes, it's Rose eonnie. "What are you doing here? and why Irene eonnie here too?" I asked, "Well, don't blame me, this kid asked me to," shrug Irene eonnie, "Ehe well, I want to--look the desert is coming," said Rose eonnie, "Don't change the subject, we will have a deep talk after this," I smiled.

"I'll meet you shortly at your room," I whisper to them. I cling my hand to Rose and Irene eonnie shoulder, "Let's go," We shortly arrive at their room, "Explain," I demand, "Dad asked me to, don't blame me tho," she said, "Really? Don't you have work?" I said, "It's all done," they said, "Oh, okay then," I said.

"See you in the morning," I waved bye to them. I jog a little to my room, "I'm back!" I walk into my room and let my bed take over me. My back feels so nice after getting in touch with my bed after having a long day. I roll into the corner of the bed. I tried to reach for my bag, "Uh, I can't reach it," I mumble, "Ning-Ning, can you come into my room?" I half-yelled from inside my room. "Yeah, eonni?" "Can you get my black bag over there," I said, "But, you can walk--forget it," she took my black bag.

She collapses her body beside me, "Ning-Ning, don't you feel these keys odd?" I asked, "Yeah, want me to inspect?" asked Ning-Ning, "Yes, please," She stepped out from my room to take her tech. "Yo, yo, what's up, fams," Winter open my door firmly with technology in her hands. I put these keys on the hologram thingy.

I watched Ning-Ning finger type seriously on the keyboard. For over 10 minutes, we have waited, the result still running. Winter, Giselle, and I even play cards for a while. In the last round, all the left is Giselle and me.

"Pick up 7,"

"Pick up 8,"

"Reverse, hahaha," Giselle's face was quite funny. "Come on, take it," I tease her. She gave me a fake smile. At last, I still won this card game. "I found something," Ning-Ning told us these keys only can be used at Kwangya, and each of these keys discovered an address. It means we need to access those portals and find out those addresses.

Tomorrow. Be ready!


[2 hour before Ning-Ning's birthday]

"Psst! Giselle, Winter, it's time," I whispered. We (Giselle, Winter, and Me) excuse our self out to the minimarket, "Why can't I follow?" asked Ning-Ning, "You're still underage remember?" said Winter--who a year older from Ning-Ning, "It's sucks to be the youngest," exclaim Ning-Ning, "You can stay with my eonnie if you want to," I said, "No, it's okay. I'll stay here protect the keys," said Ning-Ning. "Okay then, Bye!"

We excuse our self by buying some things on the minimarket which is a lame excuses. Doesn't she recognize that in this area, we don't have any minimarket? 🤦 well, it's our luck then.

We all go to Rose and Irene eonnie rooms to take our party decoration. I knock the room. No response. Oh, don't worry, we already prepare some fake minimarket bags with the hotel snacks on it. "Eonnie, where are you?" I call, "On the meeting room, 8th floor," she said. We go inside the loft and press the 8 button. "Can we make it? It's only 1 h 45 minutes left before it goes to the midnight.

"We're here," I pant,

"It's done, don't worry, we have a back up here," said Irene eonnie,

"Everything ready?" I asked,

"Yup," answered Giselle.

I tell them my instruction.

First, Rose and Irene eonnie will fetch Ning-Ning.

Second, Our MC will guide them to take a seat.

Third, Giselle will highlight Ning-Ning with a bright white light.

Fourth, Eonnie, and I will pops out the confetti.

Fifth, Winter comes out with a cake, and the team and I will appears from the back and sing "Happy Birthday" to her.

"Is that clear?" I said, "Clear!" Let's start this small mission!

[The showtime]

Ning-Ning POV

They left me alone on this huge room. I felt something fishy on them. What if they shops without me? or What if they have a boyfriend behind my back? Oh no! Forget it, Ning-Ning! Let's take a rest. I walk back to my room, and I take my laptop to watch one movie before I sleep. "This boy is ridiculous! It's so clear that his girl friend had an interest for him," I talk to myself--*Ding Dong* Who's it on midnight rings someone room? "Wait a second!" I grab my paper spray with me just in case it's bad person.

"Irene eonnie, Rose eonnie, what are you doing here this midnight?" I yawn and stretch my limb, "Sorry to interrupt your sleep, we want to aske you to join us watching the midnight show," said Rose eonnie. I'm not sleep. I just want to stretch my body. Never mind. "Come on," Rose eonnie link her arm to mine and drag me to the lift. "There a midnight show in this hotel? That's weird," I mumble, "It's not weird, trust us, you surprised and happy," said Irene eonnie. I still have no idea where I go. I saw Rose eonnie always checking on her phone. I wonder what happen?

They drag me to a meeting room? "In a meeting room?" I asked, "Yeah, only the chosen one that can enjoy the show," said Irene eonnie, "Wah, it's so special then," I thought. They drag inside a pitch black meeting room, "Is this the right room? I can't see anything," I whispered, "Yeah, the show's will begin in 5..4..3..2..1..0," said Rose eonnie.

[Welcome, it's our very special night show that only we celebrate once a year. I hope you enjoy this show until the end. Tonight, we have chose the real chosen one for be our special guest. A highlight will choose one of you. Before, we start, please close your eyes and don't peak or you will face the consequences,]

I close my eyes tightly--in my mind, "I hope they chose me," [Alright, please open your eyes,] It's me! "Congrats, Ning-Ning," cheers Irene eonnie, "Hello everyone, I'm Ning-Ning, nice to meet you," I said shyly, [We don't asked you, but, it's fine, please seat on this middle chair,] Ahh, I see. That's so embarrassing! Some people even laughing at me. I take a seat on the middle according to orders. Why this light can be turn off? It's so bright. [Ning-Ning, can you count 1 to 10?] "Yes. 1 to 10," I said, [You must be a special kid, alright then, NOW!] A loud voice interrupt the room and I feel some small paper falling around the room, It's the confetti. Slowly, the light came back and all I see a decoration with my name on the middle. It's Winter with a cake?!

"Happy birthday to you," I recognize this voice, Wendy eonnie. No way!

"Happy birthhdaaay to youuuu," it's Yeri eonnie!

"Happy birthday dear, Ning-Ning," it's Seulgi eonnie,

"Happy birthday to you," there's Joy eonnie, and the blackpink eonnie too! and they start harmonize.

Wait, where's Karina eonnie? [Please come out,]

"Happy birthday too-oo youuu," sing Karina eonnie behind my back. Oh my gosh, it's my birthday. I forgot! Tears of happiness start flowing from my eyes, "Thank you everyone for the surprises. I'm so glad having you all here," I said. "Awws," coming from the BlackVelvet eonnie. I cut the cake and give each of them a hug plus the cakes.

BlackVelvet one by one come to me and give me a present, it starts from Jennie eonnie, "I know, it's simple but, I hope you like it," said Jennie eonnie--who handing me a Chanel paper bag. My mouth was hung open, "It's more than enough eonnie, thankyou," I said, and each of them handing me their gifts. This birthday was the best birthday I ever had! We enjoy the midnight time together by talk to each other, and we end the party at 4 a.m. "Bye," I waved the eonnie from my room door.

"How was it?" said Karina eonnie, "The best birthday ever!" I exclaim, "Good then, let's go," said Karina eonnie, Where? "Sleep, what are you waiting for? Party all day?" said Karina, "Hehe, alright, night," I said, and that's how my (Ning-Ning) birthday ends.