Real Boss

Sol looked at the mother wolf it horror, it was way stronger than he had predicted, he had thought it's going to be strong but not this overpowering.

He has five more live before Nerodia interfere, even though Moon was the one with a grudge, Sol did not want to let her down, he needed to bridge the power gap somehow.

Moon's injuries were worse than Sol as she didn't have his scale armor, even if it did not really matter much in this level of a fight, it still helps him get some endurance, he could not heal instantly so he needs to minimize his injuries or it would be useless to have 6 vials of Moon's blood.

"Tsk, my armor would be destroyed at this rate" Sol lamented his lost as the armor materials were rare, unless he could convince Nerodia to give him some scales then he would not be able to remake his armor.

When the female alpha attacks him once more, Sol already prepared for its attack, he had thrown a bottle at its face in advance.