Wild Thundra

Sol and his team departed the next morning, they drive a mini-bus type of snow car, it was way faster and stronger than the snow car he used to drive as this was developed by the temple of Vulcan.

Temple of Vulcan did not only dabble in forging but also dabble in modern technology, even though there is nothing concerning magic, their creation still a notch better than the technology before the upheaval.

Magic and anything related to it had not made an appearance in the new world as there is no one becoming a Lesser Demigod yet, as the Goddess had explained to Sol, Magician of the past was a Lesser Demigod.

Once people start becoming Demigods, the technology would surely take another leap as magic integrates into society.

From God's perspective, humanity had two choices once that happened, either they abandon technology for magic or they integrate magic with technology.