Human Demigod

Sol was eager to be a Demigod when he can afford the price, it would keep him and his family safe, which was way better than an arrow that can only be used once, it might be able to beat a stronger opponent but it could only be used once every time so it was not very efficient.

"When can you help me advance?" Sol asked the Goddess in enthusiasm.

"I'm teaching you how, whether your success or not is up to you," the Goddess pour ice cold water on top of his head.

"Is it hard? Will I fail? How much the chance of success is?" Sol asked to prepare himself mentally.

"Normally it's not very hard, even easy if I had to say, but your case is different, I think you have around forty percent chance of success and that if you do it perfectly," Minerva told him.

"What is different? Am I cursed or something?" Sol got shocked.

"Not really, it's the opposite, you are quite blessed, if you succeed then you would be stronger than normal Lesser Demigod"