
Sol and his teammates got near the fight between Tea and the vultures, there were a dozen vultures aiming to bring down the fire demigod.

They conjured a dozen projectiles each and sent them to the group of vultures to repel the giant birds from closing the distance.

The giant birds dodge the bullet with ease as the wind were their friend, they were a demi-titan aligned with the element of wind, they could manipulate it to their will to enhance their fighting ability.

With a weave of their wing, hundred of wind blades were sent to the group, it was so fast that they could barely dodge the blade.

A few blades grazed their armor and leave deep marks on their armor, if tens of them connect to their body then they would be injured even with armors.

"Fuck! Everyone dodge their attack, don't gather on one location, spread their attack thin!" Sol cursed then instruct the other to spread out.