My New Boss- The same guy yesterday!

The next day, Aayla woke up as usual and prepared herself to go to work. Aayla got ready for the day and wearing a blue blouse and gray plain skirt, Aayla's long hair was left untouched and she smeared a little lipstick on her lips.

After done getting ready, he immediately left the house and rushed to her workplace. The journey from her house to her place of work took more than an hour. Aayla works as an Executive Editor in a company called True Soul Company. He worked there for almost 5 years at that company. She living alone as her parents were passed away when she 10 years old. She only had her grandparents but their living in the village.

After more than an hour, Aayla arrived at her workplace. Aayla walking towards her office building. Once arriving at her office, Aayla's friend named Lea going to approach her and greet her...

"Good morning my dear friend! Wow, so early you coming today." Her friend teased her.

"Huh! I arrived here early okay!." Aayla answered her back.

"Yeah! Do you know today we want to welcome our new boss, right? Can't wait to see what our new boss looks like, right?"

"That's right Lea! I'm also curious about what kind of way he will be later. I hope he looks like his father before this who was kind and most importantly hopefully we will get our bonus this year right?"

Aayla and Lea laughed at the same time.

Exactly at 10 am, all employees at the company continued to gather in the meeting room to welcome their boss. At that time, Aayla and her friend Lea were busy chatting with each other and until a colleague told them to keep quiet as their new boss was an arrival. There was someone guy that taller and white skin with wearing his blue suit and long black slack. All of them looked stunned to saw their new boss coming.

Then suddenly Aayla widened her eyes as she saw the guy that she knows!

"What?? Oh no! Is that him??" Aayla was so surprised to saw her new boss was the same guy she met yesterday! She wants to hide and wanted to run away but her desire was thwarted when their eyes were linked. That guy continued to turn to her by throwing a smile that full of meaning.

In her heart, Aayla said 'That's a guy really him! Was he so handsome too yesterday?? Did I notice it? Oh no! What I must do now? Should I just make as nothing happened?'

"Aayla, are you okay? Why do you look shocked? Lea asked her.

"I'm just fine..", she tried to hide her face. She can't let anyone know about what happened yesterday even her friend Lea. She was shocked and embarrassed to remember what happened yesterday. Aayla just wanted to escape from there but, she could only wait for it all to end.

"Hi, all, and thanks for welcoming me here. And first of all, my name is Aaiden Mark and yeah I will be your new boss here and I hope we all can work together in the future and will get to know each other'' Aaiden introduced himself while his eyes only focused on Aayla only.

Aaiden is the son of True Soul Company who has started taking over the company from his father who wants to retire.

In half an hour, their meeting ended. Aayla without looking back, she quickly ran away from that meeting room and rushed out towards the pantry. Lea was surprised to saw her friend behaving strangely and leaving her speechless.

"Why should he be my boss? Why? Why that must happen to me? Argh!" Aayla grumbled to herself in her office pantry while making coffee.

"Ehem..." suddenly a man's voice was heard behind Aayla. She was shocked and the glass she was holding almost fell but that guy managed to hold Aayla's glass and her hand too.

"Ah.. you... err... Aaiden..err... Mr. Aaiden ..?" Aayla suddenly doesn't know how to call him. He approached her closer. This time Aayla looked at him more closely until her heartbeat got pounding with speed.

"Hey, relax... I think you have to think first about what are you want to call me? Aaiden teasing Aayla and giving her a mischievous smile.

"Sorry sir, I think I should call you Mr. Aaiden because I think that's more respectful and you are my boss.'' Aayla talks to Aaiden while lower down her face.

"Oh yeah, you right! Ok sure.. but after work can I talk to you? Not here but another place outside our workplace" Aaiden asked her.

"For what sir? I mean we don't know each other right? You are my boss.. or, oh yes about yesterday's incident I want to thank you for helping me and I want to apologize too if I am rude and as you know, your suit I will definitely return it, but now still in the laundry." Aayla makes an awkward smile.

"I think you have some aura of sixth sense that seems too strong and some of it is right and wrong.'' He laughed! "Actually I have something to tell you but not right now or not right here. So I hope we can meet later.''

"But sir..." Aayla had not finished yet, Aaiden just continued to walk away leaving Aayla alone in the pantry.

"I think this guy so weird, what does he want? Is that because I borrowed his expensive suit or did I do something wrong to him yesterday. But as far as I know, I'm the one who should be ashamed right .. hmm .. whatever. "

After done working hours, Aayla was going back home. She really wants to go back home quickly as she remembered that Mr.Aaiden wants to meet her. Lea noticed that Aayla looks like rushing to going back and she asked her.

''Aayla! Why you look some rushing?? Are you okay? Did something happen to you?'' Lea asked her with some suspicious-looking.

''I'm okay Lea! Just not feeling well. I just want to back home earlier for rest.'' Aayla just makes her own excuse so that Lea will not know it!

''Really? Okay, Aayla...Just take care ya and take some medicine so that you can get better faster. Bye!'' Lea said to her with caring for her friend.

''Okay.. thanks, friend. Bye!'' Aayla quickly moves from there. She really wants to avoid from meet with Aaiden.