I'm coming to you!! (Final)

The next day, Aayla's colleagues were going back. Before they go on their way, all of them hugged with Aayla, and they saying good-bye to each other. Then, Aayla and Lea hug and talked to each other.

"Bye Lea.. gonna miss you, friend! " Aayla said to Lea.

"Bye Aayla.. will gonna miss you too dear friend. You must take care of yourself okay. And.. oh ya! Aayla!? "Lea suddenly remembers something.

"What?? " Aayla was shocked.

"Did you two still didn't back together?" Lea asked Aayla while making glances at Aaiden.

Aayla just shook her head and forced a smile on Lea.

Lea makes a sigh to Aayla.

"Aayla... why you still didn't accept Aaiden? Didn't you still love him? Are you still waiting for him right? Why must you lie to your heart? " Lea keeps asking her friend. She didn't know what inside Aayla's heart.

" Lea... I scared...I want to be with him.. but I... " Aayla didn't finish her word but just sighing.

"It's okay Aayla... I understand. Whatever decision you make, I support you. I just want you to know that this time I can saw Aaiden really sincere to you. For your information, after this year's past, he always asked about you at me. Until now, he the one begging me to bring him coming here to meet you." Lea explains to Aayla.

"I know Lea... I will make this thing to be cleared. Thank you Lea for everything you do to me." Aayla hugged Lea. Then, Aayla whispered to Lea and said...

"Next week I'm going to the city to meet him and make a surprise to Aaiden! I think I gonna make my confession this time!"

"What??!" Lea was screamed in shock.

All of them were looked to by both of them include Aaiden. They just laughed after that.

All of them are ready and want to go on their way. Before that, Aayla coming closer to Aaiden. She wants to talk to him.

"Emm... Aaiden... "Aayla bravely to talked to Aaiden.

But Aaiden didn't answer her back and just make a gloomy face and move towards Aayla.

"Aaiden... did you mad at me?" Aayla asked him.

"Nope!" Aaiden just answers her casually.

"Actually... I want to tell you... I'm going... " Aayla can't finish her words because Aaiden got his call.

"Aayla.. just a second."

After several minutes, Aaiden going back to her.

"Aayla.. what you want to tell me just now?" Aaiden waiting from Aayla with full of hopes.

"Oh! Nothing! Just... I want to say just drive carefully later. And.. and.. take care of yourself...bye... " Aayla force to smile at him.

Aaiden feeling sad because Aayla still didn't make her decision. He only just let him heartbroken like that.

"Ok.. you too! Bye!" Aaiden just left Aayla like that without smiling back at her.

That night, Aayla just lying in her bedroom and thought about Aaiden. She actually already know what her heart wants, she decided to be with Aaiden and she will confess her feelings to Aaiden.

'I gonna come to you Aaiden! Just wait for me okay! Aayla just smiles herself and felt asleep as she dreams about Aaiden.

After a week, Aayla went to the city to meet with Aaiden as she planned. She hopes this time she succeeds confess to Aaiden. Aayla deliberately did not want to call Aaiden because she wanted to make a surprise to Aaiden.

Aayla going to Aaiden's house and waited for him there. She knows Aaiden gonna happily to saw her there.

Aayla waited for Aaiden in front of his house. When she arrived there, Aaiden's house seems quiet like he didn't yet back home from work. Aayla talking to herself...

'Hmm... Aaiden.. where are you... I'm waiting for you here ' Aayla sat under a tree near Aaiden's house.

After half an hour, she saw a car heading there. Aayla kept smiling because that was Aaiden's car. But then, she saw another car follow Aaiden behind.

Aaiden got out of his car. Aayla walks towards Aaiden but her steps stopped when she saw a girl walk towards Aaiden.

Aaiden and that's girl walk together to his house then suddenly Aaiden was surprised to saw Aayla standing in front of his house.

Aaiden coming toward Aayla and asked her.

"Aayla.. what are you doing here? I mean when are you coming here?" Aaiden asked her while holding her shoulder.

Aaiden saw Aayla's face change to see him along with a woman. Aaiden noticed it and he continues deliberately to make Aayla jealous.

Aayla just standing there and didn't know what to say to Aaiden. She feels that she is useless there and tries to get out of there.

When Aayla wants to run away from there, Aaiden pulled Aayla's hand and tries to stop her. He just held her hand to stay with him. Then Aaiden talks to that girl. That girl was Aaiden,'s cousin.

"Mia, why are you here?" Aaiden asked his cousin.

Mia didn't hear Aaiden talk to her because she just stares at Aayla and make a mischievous smile at Aayla. Aayla feels uncomfortable from that staring.

"Mia... Mia!" Aaiden called her repeated.

"Oh... yeah! Actually, mom sends me to give you these food supplies. She knows you live alone so that you can eat this after all." Mia answered his back.

"Okay.. give thanks to your mom.. and oh ya.. Mia let me introduced you.. this is Aayla... " Aaiden introduced Aayla to Mia. Then Aaiden wants to introduced Mia to Aayla but Mia cuts it.

"And... Aayla.. this is Mia.. my... "

"Sorry baby... I got to go first ya. It's late now! Bye.. see you, tomorrow baby!" Mia gives a wink to Aaiden and her smiling at Aayla. Then she just walks away from there.

Aaiden just shook his head to see Mia like that. He knows that Mia will make joking to him.

After a minute, Aaiden brought Aayla into his house. Aayla still makes her gloomy faces and obviously, she thinking many things in her head. ' Who's that girl?? Why she calls Aaiden baby?? Was she Aaiden new girlfriend?? Did Aaiden already has someone in her life?! So what will happen to me!'

Aaiden noticed that Aayla just keep silent and he can read Aayla faces what she want to ask right now. He feels happy to tease Aayla like that. He knows Aayla jealous of his cousin, Mia.

"Aayla... come..sat down here," Aaiden ask Aayla to sat down near him on the sofa.

But Aayla didn't move and she still stands near the door.

"Aayla.. come here!"

Aayla still didn't make any move and didn't answer his back.

"You want to come here by yourself or I brought you here" Aaiden made threatening to her.

After hear Aaiden saying that Aayla quickly makes her move faster and sat down beside Aaiden. She sat down and didn't want to look at Aaiden. She feels angry, sad, and mixed feelings to Aaiden right now.

"Aayla... " Aaiden called her name gently.

"Emm... " Aayla answer him back with unpretentious.

"Aayla... please look at me.. " Aaiden said to her.

"Emm... " Aayla still answer him just like that.

"Are you mad at me? Didn't you have any questions for me?" Aaiden tries to persuade Aayla.

"Aayla.. look at me.. " Aaiden talk to Aayla and pulled Aayla's faces to him closely.

Aayla turns to Aaiden closer. Her heartbeat becomes faster. She looks Aaiden face closer.

Then Aayla talks to him...

"Emm.. what?"Aayla asked Aaiden without seeing Aaiden eyes.

"Let me tell you... who's was that girl." Aaiden tries to explain to her.

"Who was she??" Aayla asked him with full of curiosity.

"She was... " Aaiden deliberately to tease Aayla and want to see Aayla face of jealousy.

Aayla makes a frown on her face while waiting Aaiden to continue his words.

"She was my cousin!! Hahaha... " Aaiden laughed to Aayla while saying that to her.

But Aayla still not think that was funny. She still didn't believe it!

"You liar! Why she called you baby?? Why she must come to give you food even though it's already late at night! Why she look like flirting with you! Why!!" Finally, Aayla expresses everything that she wants to say to Aaiden from earlier.

Aaiden just smiled happily to saw Aayla be like that. He knows Aayla jealous of her.

Then, Aaiden explains everything to her...

"Are you jealous Aayla?"

"Jealous?? Huh! Nope!!" Aayla quickly turned her back and try to avoid Aaiden's eyes.

''Okay.. let me explain to you. Mia really my cousin. Just now I going to their home for dinner. I was really close to my aunty family. She just only my lovely cousin. Just now she called me baby just make a joking only to you.''

''Are you saying the true??'' Aayla still didn't believe Aaiden.

''Yes, my dear...I'm told the truth!

''Oh....hmm...'' Aayla lowered her face. She feels shy after making doubt to Aaiden.

''So...right now..can you told me, why are you here? I mean when did you arrived here? Have you been waiting for me for a long time? You come here alone?'' Aaiden asked her many questions.

''Err...actually...I...came here to....'' Aayla was hesistant to telling to Aaiden the truth.

''What?'' Aaiden coming closer to Aayla.

''I.....I....I...'' Aayla closing her eyes while want to say something to Aaiden.

Aaiden just waiting for Aayla to continued her words.

''It's okay Aayla...if you didn't want to say it, I don't want to force you. Maybe you have some other reason. So if you didn't have anything to talk to me.. you may go.. I have much work to do right now.''

''You want me to get out right now? In the middle of the night??'' Aayla mad at him.

''Yes! because I think we don't have any something that we want to talk about and the very clearly...I'm not anybody to you, right? And for your information, here is my house. So....'' Aaiden said it to her.

''What?? How could you do this to me!'' Aayla upset with Aaiden.

''So? What you want me to do? Okay...I just let you stay here..and I'm going to my aunt's house.''

''What?? You leave me alone here? How could you! I don't want to! Just stay with me!.

Aaiden surprised by Aayla's saying to him.

''You mean....?'' Aaiden asked her back.

''I mean...dont leave me alone...just stay with me...'' Aayla looked into Aaiden's eyes.

Aaiden just stays silent. He waiting Aayla to continue her words.

''Aaiden...I miss you....! I really..really miss you! I'm so sorry before this I lie to myself. I didn't really express my real feelings towards you. I always hide my feelings for you. Do you remember that you want to hear my confession to you? Today...I will confess everything to you...'' Aayla saying that all with her teary eyes. She tries holding it.

''Aaiden.....from the start...I already fall in love with you...I just realized it! I want to tell you that I falling in love with you...but I didn't has my encouragement to tell you. The moment I want to confess to you, I found that there was someone also in your life. That time I really heartbroken...I didn't know what I must do...I just keep thinking myself not to be selfish and I must let you go. I really regretful all this time until today. I always waiting for you to coming back to me..to taking me in your life..but..I don't know how I want to do this all alone.'' Aayla confesses all to Aaiden and she crying in front of him.

Aaiden coming closer to Aayla.. he hugged her and whispered to her.

''Shhh...you really talked too much this time. It's okay Aayla...it's all the past. Actually, I really waiting this time to come the day you bravely make your confession to me. I'm really sorry to not find you earlier after these years so much. I thought you didn't want to be with me anymore. I always want to meet you all this time but I didn't want you to think that I force your feeling. But now, it's all clear...we know each other feelings.''

''Aaiden... I love you! I really love you with all my heart!'' Aayla finally confesses to Aaiden.

''I love you too Aayla! And I always love you with all my heart!'' Aaiden answered her back and kissed Aayla's forehead.

Aayla whispered to Aaiden saying...

''Thank you Aaiden for being the reason I smiling in my life until today..thank you for always waiting and loving me endlessly.

They hugged each other tightly and kissed.

At last, they happily with each other for truly loving each other.