All the way to Alexandria

Three went to a nearby shopping mall and purchased some things that Diana may need for this internship.

In the afternoon, they had lunch in a restaurant and then in the evening, went back.

Meanwhile, in the evening, Diana called her team members and informed, "Hello! Guys! We need to reach the airport 3 hours before our flight to finish some official requirements."

The call is a conference call, so they all replied in unison, "yes, madam Diana! We will arrive before three hours. Now, if you disconnect this conference call, we will continue with our packing.

Diana rolled her eyes, "Yeah, Yeah! As if I am disturbing and stopping you guys," and disconnected the call.

When it's time to leave, Preethi started worrying too much and said, "Diana, think about this again. Is it that mandatory for you to attend this internship? You are my only daughter, and I don't want you to go far away from us.

Also, if you want to go to an internship, I will help you here in Melbourne. After all, this place is such a lovely place in Australia, and I am working in government, you know..?"

"What do you mean by 'I am working in government'.? my dear wife," asked Stephen looking at her.

"I mean, if she gets an internship in the archeology department of the Melbourne government, then I will be at ease, dear husband," Preethi glared at him.

Diana sighing for the umpteenth time, "come on, mommy! Please don't start again. You know how much it will be helpful for my career."

Stephen said with no room for discussion, "Yes, Preethi! You should stop worrying about her safety; your daughter is not the only one in society to set her foot."

Preethi reluctantly agreed, and Stephen called an airport taxi. On the way, Diana got to the team members, "guys! Are you ready..? I have already started at the airport."

Her team consists of four members, two including her and Diana's classmate from La Trobe University, whereas the other two are assistants from the government's archeology department.

Diana's classmate, Jonathan, is her playmate, and they are friends from childhood. He instantly agreed to the internship, thinking they will find something interesting this time.

When Diana arrives at Melbourne International airport with her family, it's already a 7'o clock, and her professor, along with Jonathan, is waiting for them at the entrance.

Stephen shook his hands with the professor while Preethi engaged in talking with Jonathan.

Before Preethi started lecturing them, Jonathan circling his hand around her shoulders, said, "my dear Aunt! why are you so worried about this dummy when I am there to protect her..?"

Diana replied, "she is worried about you more than me."

Aww! aunt, why didn't you give me birth instead of my parents, then I could have stayed with you always."

Preethi ruffled his hair, and said, "don't stay up all night, have meals at the right time. The youngsters these days are always immersed in gadgets. Take care of yourself, okay..?"

Diana and Jonathan looked at each other before nodding their heads in a yes gesture. After 20 minutes, the other two members came and greeted the professor.

They brought the official documents given by the government archeology department.

Professor Ahmed took those documents and went to the customs office to finish the rest of the process.

Meanwhile, Diana introduced her family to others. To Preethi's displeasure, Diana is the only young lady in the team.

Looking at them, she didn't feel an ounce of security and more reluctant to send her on this internship.

Professor Ahmed finished the process in two hours and came back to proceed towards the checkin counter.

Preethi reminded them before they leave, "Professor Ahmed, please take care of my daughter. If possible, let her call us every day."

Professor Ahmed just smiled and answered, "Of course, Mrs. Ruth! It's not like I am abducting these young people, you know.

I am going on meaningful work and thought to take them with me, as these two are brilliant in our department," finished pointing at Diana and Jonathan with his chin.

Stephen, who was so proud of his daughter, nodded at him, saying, "yes, professor. We understand. It's time to board the flight; you should go to check in now."

Diana and Jonathan hugged Preethi and Stephen before moving forward along with professor Ahmed.

The other two people named Charles and Rupert, respectively, followed suit. After checking in their luggage, they went to the second floor to look at Melbourne airport.

Jonathan asked Diana to click some pictures along with him while Professor Ahmed sat on one of the chairs, waiting for the announcement.

When the announcement happened, they moved to the central check-in and then went into the boarding area.

They waited for 15 minutes for a boarding cab to pick them to board the flight. They are so long that an entire city's citizens can fit in the boarding area.

Jonathan impatiently asked, "why is it taking this much time to board a flight..?"

Others laughed and said, "because we are boarding a flight, not a city bus or something."

Jonathan made a ridiculous face and commented, "very funny. Let it be any way we reach Alexandria only in the morning."

They boarded after 15 minutes and settled in their allocated seats. Diana settling in her assigned seat, looked out of the window.

It's the winter season, so the cool breeze started making shiver, but Diana felt an intense feeling bubbling up inside her with excitement.

When the flight started to take off, strangely, 'I am neither anxious nor nervous; instead, I am quite looking forward eagerly, maybe due to excitement,' she thought herself shaking her head.

Jonathan started pestering her, saying, "Diana, do you know, the place Alexandria is one of the beautiful governorates of Egypt, located in the northern part of the country..?"

Diana looked at his as ridiculously, thinking she doesn't;t know anything about the place; he continued further,

All the places are Egypt divided into governorates, and Alexandria is one of them located in the north part of the country, lying along the Mediterranean sea.

The city is quite near to both the Mediterranean sea and the Nile river, you know..? Moreover, it has a history of holding more mummies than any city in the country."

Diana grinned at him and said, "is that the reason you are so interested in tagging along with us..? And you are so eager to leave the USA archeology internship program."