Roaming around the city

After finishing their breakfasts, all four of them took a look around the hotel they were staying for an hour and went to their respective rooms.

Professor Ahmed met Cepos in another restaurant to discuss the authorities' approval.

Cepos said, "I can understand your concerns and enthusiasm, Mr. Ahmed, but the government wants this archeology internship as confidential as possible.

Don't worry, the secretary of the Archeology department head informed it would take one day to approve. So total, it would be a maximum of two days, and then we will start our work.

The digging cranes and workers have already arrived at the temple, and they are proceeding to arrange out temporary stay. I hope your students will be able to stand in the desert."

"Of course, they will endure the hardships. After all, it's not easy to become an archeologist," Ahmed announced proudly but "I can't guarantee about not asking anything," he thought in his mind and kept to himself.

Diana slept in her room until the afternoon. When it's almost lunchtime, Preethi called her.

Sleepily searching for her phone on the bedside table, she woke up and sat on the bed.

"Hello! Mommy! Good morning" she replied in a slightly hoarse voice, still with her eyes closed.

"what good morning, silly girl? Wake up and have lunch. It's almost lunchtime," saying Preethi sighed loudly.

"Yeah, yeah! Please don't start your lecture. I had breakfast before going to sleep. I am fine and reached safely," Diana replied before her mother bombards her with more questions.

"Convey the same to father as well," she shouted before disconnecting the call.

Getting up from the bed, Diana opened the curtains and was amazed to look at the beautiful private beach.

Even though she is not a beach-loving person, Diana loved to look at the beach in front of her.

Jonathan knocked at her door, making her annoyed.

But still, she opened the door for him and asked, "what is it, Jonathan..? Can't you stay peacefully in your room..?"

Of course, I can't, what do you think of me..? Come on, get ready. We are going sightseeing," he said, ignoring her glares.

Shaking her head for his childishness, Diana went to wash her face. Meanwhile, Rupert and Charles also came into her room to tag along.

After waiting for like 15 minutes, all four of them came out of Diana's room and called on the phone number given by Cepos.

The guide arrived at Sunrise Alex Avenue hotel in gypsy.

"Hello! Everyone, I am Fadil, your guide for the time you would stay here. Please call me whenever you want to go somewhere," he greeted them cheerfully and then added, "have lunch here as it's lunchtime."

Egyptians follow ancient traditional food culture, so all the food items are prepared based on that.

They had lunch in 20 minutes and then came out of the hotel.

They introduced their names to Fadil and asked him to take any nearby historical place.

Jonathan chimed in and proposed, "let us visit The Great Library. This is the world's largest library, you know..?"

Today we will not have much time to explore the library Jonathan," Rupert said. Charles proposed, "let us visit the National Museum, then."

Everyone agreed and started their journey to the Alexandria National Museum. It took them 45 minutes to arrive at the museum. Collecting their tickets, they moved towards the entrance.

Jonathan, astonished, looking at the Italian-style white building and enthusiastically entered into it, dragging Diana along.

Fadil, parking his gypsy, joined them after 10 minutes. All four of them were curiously looking at the artifacts displayed in the chambers.

Fadil started explaining every artifact they stopped at to have a closer look like a professional guide.

He briefed, "the museum is divided into three parts, floor1, floor2, and floor3.

Floor 1: Pharaonic epoch. The mummies in a recreation of a funerary chamber.

Floor 2: Artifacts from the Hellenistic period and Roman period, including pieces from Herakleion and Canopus. It also displayed works that existed from different periods of rulers.

Floor 3: Ancient Egyptian, Coptic, and the Muslim world and 19th and 20th century. Decide which one you would go first."

Diana and Charles said in unison, "we will visit the first floor in the last," surprised both reached for a hi-fi.

Jonathan and Ruper decided, "then we will go to the second floor, okay, Fadil..?"

Fadil nodded his head and took them to the second floor. He explained each item displayed there. All four of them listened with great interest.

"The Alexandria National Museum contains around 1,800 artifacts that narrate the story of Alexandria and Egypt. Most of these pieces came from other Egyptian museums," he added, pointing at the artifacts in the glass chambers.

After strolling for like half an hour, Diana stopped at a statue bent on her knees in the posture kneading something.

"Mr. Fadil, what is this statue..?" she asked with a curiosity-filled voice.

"These statues are called ushabti or shabti or shawabti in ancient Egyptian culture. They are funerary figurines placed in tombs along with grave goods."

"You mean, in the mummy tombs..?" Rupert asked.

Fadil nodded his head and continued, "They are nothing but servants who accompany the deceased to serve them. Usually, they will carry a hoe on their shoulder and a basket on their backs."

Everyone nodded and proceeded further. Even though it's taking so much time, all four people observed all the items keenly.

After an hour, they moved to the third floor and knew about different rulers that ruled Egypt. They also understood the cultures these rulers practiced in ancient days.

It didn't take much time for them on the third floor, and they rushed to the first floor.

As soon as they reached, Fadil started explaining, "the Pharaonic epoch shows how the pharaohs were mummified and recreated in a funeral chamber."

"explain in more detail," asked Charles, to which Fadil continued, "is the joint title now used for the monarchs of ancient Egypt from the First Dynasty. Instead of a king, they used to call Pharaoh.

The Pharaoh was responsible for maintaining Maat. One of the roles of the Pharaoh was as an intermediary between the deities and the people."

In ancient days, The two parts of Egypt existed, namely the upper part and lower part.

As per the period changes, they united into one Egypt, and Pschent became a double crown representing both the places," he indicated at the crown worn by the Pharaoh in the funeral chamber.

It took nearly two hours for them to have an understanding of the first floor. When they came out of the museum, it's almost 6 in the evening.

"It's almost time for us to go back and will go to other places tomorrow," Fadil drove them back to the hotel.