The dead Prince is alive

He was astonished because another tomb is just a replica of the first tomb. There's no coffin in the grave as well as the dead body.

Cepos checked it for the second time and then confirmed it again. He immediately sent a weird signal closing his eyes, and then came rushing out of the tent.

Meanwhile, Jonathan and Charles started looking inside the coffin. The entire coffin is engraved with the ancient Egyptian language.

Unlike other coffins, there are no things placed in this coffin. The dead prince doesn't even have servants to accompany him as per the Egyptian mummification rules.

Instead of removing his body parts, they were still inside the body. His eyes were closed as well instead of canned.

There is only a transparent color jar placed deep beneath the body, precisely on the right side. Jonathan and Charles slightly moved the body, and Diana lifted the bottle.

Professor Ahmed didn't open another coffin, as they felt it's of less weight, and there might be no dead body in the casket.

He casually lifted his head to take a look but immediately frowned, looking at far where slowly sand started taking a short form of a storm.

The second tomb is relatively far from the first tomb. Professor Ahmed started running towards the first tomb, waving his hands in the air.

Before Jonathan warns Diana to be careful, Diana already noticed the jar bottle placed on the dead body's right side.

She bent to pick up the jar bottle but accidentally spilled it. Immediately the whole area is covered with sand, and the tents were flying around. Far from the temple, a sand storm started brewing high and high.

The three of them disappeared from the place and landed on the Medile delta. The dead body that is lying on the coffin stood in between Jonathan and Diana.

At first, they both were confused, looking at the area, and we're thinking if they were daydreaming.

When Diana turned her head right, she was astonished, looking at the man standing beside her. His pale skin is more delicate than a model, and his facial features were no less than that of a male celebrity.

The man is very calm and didn't speak a single word, just stood there as if waiting for someone to appear there.

His pure green eyes, dark black eyelashes, and slightly frowned eyebrows were like a male figure in a painting. No doubt, the young boy was a Baka[1] before he died.

His muscular body and tall figure instantly aroused something deep inside Diana. His 6' feet tall figure stood there as if dominating the entire place. She kept on looking at him until Jonathan shook her.

She felt goosebumps on her body, thinking about what happened earlier. "Young man, who.. who are you..? Wh, why did you brought us here..? her smooth and delicate voice came out slightly shaking.

He calmly looked at her with those pure green eyes as if he intended to look into her heart. Still, he didn't utter a single word as an answer.

Diana and Jonathan looked at each other dumbfounded as they don't' know whether he understood their words or not.

The young man kept looking at the combining point of the Mediterranean sea and the Nile river. Looking at his calm face Diana and Jonathan could not stay calm even though they are trying so hard.

Out of nowhere, The combining point started turning red, and small bubbles erupted from the water. Diana and Jonathan were astonished to see this rare sight.

Even though they knew this is morning, there stood the moon on the sky as dazzling as ever in its full form.

After a long time, a large bubble started glowing under the moon and become more significant. At a stage, it became as more prominent as it can be so that a fully grown man can fit into it.

Inside the bubble stood the goddess Isis came. The goddess stood on the top of the water after the bubble popped out and looked at them with her pure white eyes.

Jonathan almost screamed at the pure white figure, thinking it's a ghost. Diana nudged him to keep quiet.

In her sweet yet melancholy voice, she uttered, "I am the goddess of eternity. It's nice to see you, prince Zosar."

The young man named Zosar titled his head at the white figure covered in golden-red royal cloth and bowed to her nodding his head.

Diana and Jonathan opened their mouths completely, looking at the bright figure glowing like a moon. They even forgot to breathe, looking at this beautiful figure and the scene unfolding in front of them.

Diana, who always had doubts about the afterlife, is now fully convinced of seeing the prince standing in front of the goddess.

Jonathan is shocked, screamed, "oh my god, you are a goddess for real. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be able to witness such a scene. Goddess, you are truly beautiful, more beautiful than any other woman in the world."

"Haha, shh, silly boy. Of course, I am beautiful. After all, I am a goddess. But thank you for the compliment" She laughed at him, "Hey! don't you dare fall unconscious..? I have so much to say," she added.

Jonathan coughed, covering his mouth to hide his embarrassment.

"Goddess Isis, I am sorry for interrupting, but I don't think so you should involve us with this. Come on; we don't know whether you are a god for real. I can't believe this."

"Modern woman with modern thoughts, she is perfect for you, don't you think Zosar..?" goddess Isis asked Zosar.

Prince Zosar took a brief look at Diana and nodded immediately.

"Child, whether you believe in me or not, it depends on you," the goddess commented, looking at Diana.

After a brief silence looking at the moon, she added, "Zosar, I am sending you back along with Diana and Jonathan to the time when you are going to die. Remember this time. You must know of your origin and true nature."

Diana said, "wait! Goddess Isis, we don't belong to his culture nor his period. Why are you sending us back to his period along with him..?"

"Child, you will come to know once you go back there. I understand you are worried about your parents and current life, but you will know your true self once you go back.

And you, Jonathan, she looked at Jonathan, "have you ever wondered why you are born with the scorpion birthmark on your left hand..?"

Jonathan immediately looked at the scorpion mark and left speechless. "This is purely destined by us, the god and the goddesses. I can't reveal more than this.

While you possess this birth's memories, you three are going to reincarnate to your previous lives."

As soon as she finished, the goddess Isis disappeared from there. Soon the sea turned into bright red, and the three disappeared from there.

Meanwhile, at the temple, everyone was still doing their works as if Diana and Jonathan were not vanished or rather say not present at all.