Road to Haga - Part 4

Later on this day, these three survivors have arrived at a Gas station. They have come there because their jeep is running low in gas and it is risky searching for gas, especially in a zone where somebody has died on the radio. These survivors have arrived in Drachten, a place where this outbreak has struck every city on Earth, but also a place where the helicopter who was visiting them and told them to head to Haga, has crashed into a building, but they will never know that because their plan it is to take on the A6 highway until they will arrive in Haga.

Ronald is about to enter the gas station and search for some supplies there. But, at the moment he was close to entering the room, his old friend who was a soldier in the past stops him, by using his machete he found on the concrete close to pump gas. He then whispered to him to look out the window of the building.

Ronald is looking on the window and he sees there three zombies who are eating a corpse of a human who probably got there recently. These three have seen zombies who were eating other zombies' corpses, but this is happening in cases where human meat is running low. Ronald is looking at Gerald, and he is telling him to go into the back of the store and check if there are some canisters left. He also told him that they will try and take gas from other gas.

"And who will do that?"

"I think I can do it," says Gerald. "Back when I was in the Army, we've taken a lot of gas from the enemy trucks for ours."

"Good. I am going to take those canisters, and you are going to take out gas from there. And Mike..."

When Ronald was looking for Mike, he saw him coming back from the other gas station, he is carrying two canisters of gas.

"Guys! I found to canister full of gas. It is enough?"

"Enough for half of our road." says Ronald. "Which type of gas it is?"

"Diesel." says Mike who is coming closer to them, and he hands the canister he found to them.

"It is good." says Ronald. "We could try to use this gas, and then we will check at the other station."

"If we encounter any." says Gerald. "We don't know how far it is the next gas station. It could be from the next city we are going in, or the other ones might be already empty."

"We've better take this gas and risking since there are some zombies there." he shows the zombies who are in the building and others who are walking slowly on the highway who will lead them to Haga. "And you probably don't want to risk your life for a few more canisters of gas. Who knows what the road is looking like and if it will be available."

"What do you mean, Cashier?"

"Well... What if there is a whole truck who is blocking the entire road, and other cars, like the one we encountered last time when we were scavenging in the city."

"You might be right." says Gerald, and he is looking at Ronald. "We have to risk it. But for now. We've got everything."

"Whatever you say." says Ronald who is taking those two canisters and he is pouring into the jeep they have "taken" from a parking slot.

While Ronald was pouring the gas into that jeep, Mike has seen somebody in that building while he was looking at the window. One of the zombies who were in that building is looking exactly like one of his high school classmates who helped him one day overcome his phobia of spiders. Gerald saw him and asked why he is looking at the window. He told him that one of those guys there is a friend from high school. Gerald felt bad to hear that and he tried to make Mike feel better but he hoped in the truck when Ronald has finished with the gas.

When they were ready, they have left the gas station, and left those three zombies blocked in the gas station, who were looking at the window when the jeep was leaving.