Road to Haga - Part 17

Later this day, Ronald has found a few unused white blankets which will be enough to create multiple S.O.S. signals which might be enough to attract someone attention from a helicopter or an aeroplane that is flying at a low altitude. But, while he is doing all of these tasks by himself, the other survivors are just sitting on the rooftop and chilling because a few of them knows this big horde of zombies will be gone in no time.

"And you say they will just migrate in a different direction or just fall, like those from the building I let them there?" asks Mike to the survivor who suggested to remain on this rooftop until this wave of zombies will disappear.

"Yes." responded the survivor. "Although, some of them seems smarter than the other ones?"

"How come?"

"Some of them can climb the walls of buildings."

"Oh yeah. We have seen this shit, man." says Mike to that survivor who is a bald man with a moustache. "They climb the building and grab people down. Do not stay close to those windows when you encounter one of those things."

"So you have seen them... I bet you haven't seen worse things like those down here."

"We have encountered a zombie who jumps around." says Gerald taking the last spoon from that beans can. "The ones who just crawl, but die a few seconds later due to blood loss."

"I have seen even one with wings."

"Jesus Christ!" says a survivor after he heard about that type of zombie who can fly. "So, if one of them from this horde got wings and fly to us, we will be completely dead!"

"Not exactly." says Gerald.

"Yes. Because those zombies cannot fly at a big altitude. So, if one of them for example fly to our rooftop, he would most likely do a dumb move like crashing into the walls of the building, or making a hard landing on this rooftop and die slowly after the land."

Gerald hears some weird sounds coming down the building. He throws the empty can away with the spoon, he takes his pistol and he is preparing to face the thing who probably is a climber or a flying zombie. He stays there a bit until a few survivors noticed and made them feel concerned for Gerald, but Mike, who was living enough time with Gerald, is also preparing his pistol in case of an emergency.

Gerald sees a hand who has grabbed the metal bar from the rooftop, survivors are already scared the moment this thing has grabbed the metal part of the rooftop and they run into the building. But, they didn't close the door after them, they just wanted to stay safe from one single zombie while they are almost eight grown-up people. But, Gerald quickly takes the shot the moment that "Climber" revealed his disfigured head. The shot has landed the zombie's head and made him fall a few meters into the zombie who was just walking slowly in that horde and crashing all of his body parts.

"How many climbers do you think are in this location?"

"Probably a lot." responds Gerald. "... But these zombies can even reach this altitude even if they climb up?"

"I do not know, man. After this one, I encountered one who just suicides in front of me."

"What do you mean?" asks Gerald feeling curious at Mike confession. "There was one who cut his own wrists in that building you were running?"

"That was before I opened the door... I think some zombies are still people, Gerald."

And when he said this thing, Gerald looking at those zombies down there for a moment, feeling quite sad... The probability of seeing one of them knowing what is their fate is is absolutely terrifying, yet, it is really disturbing. But, before he was about to stay there and look for those zombies, one of the survivors, which is a teenage boy, praised Gerlad for landing a perfect shot, but he said to that kid.

"It was nothing."


A few days earlier, back in the complex, these three survivors were living for a moment, a few zombies got killed by Gerlad and Ronald on the ground floor. These two dudes are using different types of weapons. Gerald is using a pistol he got from the armoury, while Ronald is using a machete cause his pistol is running out of ammo, and forgot to bring a clip to spare. Gerald landed those shoots with such a good precision, killing twelve of those things by just shooting in their head. While Ronald was struggling to stab those zombies in the head with a machete or cutting a limb and then the head.

While they were fighting, and walk to the main doors who are the only way to let people and these zombies enter this building. Their only way to survive this attack is by sealing the doors and killing the remaining zombies into this building by using everything they had at themselves. Which they succeeded by closing the door and putting as a barricade a few furniture pieces and zombie corpses. They were even looking at the door, thanks to Gerlad who has seen those keys of the door on the bloody floor. The door was closed and these infected zombies started to hit the door with their head, legs or arms but they could since this door is a metallic type, and a few furniture pieces are on their way to a meal. When Mike and Gerald put a desk as the last furniture piece found, they slap their hands and runs to the other remaining zombies with their weapons ready.

After a few more hours of fighting a horde of zombies into the building, they succeed to clean the first three floors and meeting with Mike. The last one will remain a task for tomorrow, but now, all of them decided to rest this day and prepare for tomorrow. And to do that, all three of them are going to sleep in a big living room in an apartment while they are drinking beer and talks about their lives back then and also joking around.