From Cluj to Athene - Part 23

Thirty minutes later, in the ocean, at about one kilometer from the docks, the motorboat who was taken by Ilie it is on its way to a safe distance. The boat it is driven by Ilie who is not feeling well because he back-stabbed his "friends" by stealing a way of getting help.

While he is driving the boat, Ilie is looking on the ocean, and he sees there countless corpses who were once humans, and now are zombies who were killed by the water or zombies who have mastered the swimming. One of those zombies was "swimming" to Ilie's boat, but he got his pistol out of the weapon holding from the chest, he aimed his gun at the head of the creature. At first it was hard to try and hit the creatures because of the way it moves on the water. He moves hysterically which makes the thing even much harder than trying to shoot a zombie runner from a close distance. He shoots three times. The first two shoots didn't hit the creature head, but the third one has hit the thing, and it make it stop from moving, and it proceeds to slowly drown into the ocean.

"...Shit." says Ilie after he counts the ammo from the clip of his handgun. He only has eight bullets left for the handgun, and the one from his backpack are for a submachine gun. And he didn't manage to take a working on.

While he navigates to the ocean, he sees a few cars driving on a street, from a very far distance. Those cars are probably his "friends" he thought Ilie. He is also hoping that they aren't noticing him. Thankfully for Ilie, these cars continued to move, and it didn't stop on the street to look at him, nor they slowed down, they are driving at a high speed.

He sees a few buildings on fire on a high hill, other buildings close to the street, and he hears an explosion coming from the dock. He looked back, and he sees a crane who is used to carry containers into ships. Ilie got scared at how the building proceed to slowly fall into the ocean. It gave him goosebumps and at first he thought the crane will be falling into the ocean, but it falls on the ship who was there probably to be loaded with containers. The crane has fallen on the ship, and it did cause big damage that would cost a lot if humanity was still alive like three days ago.

After a few minutes of navigating to this ocean, he manages to see the ship he was aiming to go. When he got close to that ship, he could see a human there, who is waving at him as a sign of requiring "Help!" he thought Ilie, but the sign that human has made it is completely different. Ilie was about to wave back at him, but suddenly, a big explosion came, and it destroyed the ship. And this explosion has also created some difficulties to Ilie such as trying to maintain the boat from not going down. But a big part of the ship, which was a huge metal part from the bottom is flying to Ilie, crushing his boat and him. Nobody would've been able to survive that hit, let alone the sharks who was come thanks to Ilie blood draw on the ocean while he was going on the bottom and the explosion.

He got eaten by those sharks, even though he wasn't alive anymore.

In a matter of seconds, from Ilie remained only the crushed backpack with food supplies which are now gone and weapons crushed by that big metal part of the ship who just flew into Ilie's body.


Meanwhile, on the roads to the Athene, at the car where Alin and Radu are sitting, Radu proceeds to wake up from the sleep he got from Ilie.

"Arrgh! My head." says Radu.

"Are you alright, Radu?" asks Alin the first moment he saw his brother getting up.

"Yes... I am fine, Only the head hurts a little."

"No wonder." says the driver of this car, who's Laura. "The man who hit did a hard swing, and it manages to take the boat."

"That bastard." says Radu feeling angry. "If I ever will come across his face when I will see him after this mess. I will beat him until he will forget he was in the national team."

"He was?" asks Claudia.

"Yeah... I saw him once on TV. He played horribly." says Radu.

"But at least he was good doctor to Alin."

"You have got to agree on that one." jokes Alin and this made Claudia laughs a bit, but this made Radu smile.

"You are alight?" asks Radu to Alin while he is looking at his leg.

"Probably it starts to cure." says Alin. "Anyway. How much longer we have?"

"About a few more a hundred kilometers I think."

"W-Were are going exactly?" asks Radu feeling thrown away. "To a port, right?"

"Yes. We are going to take the Port of Piraeus." says Claudia who proceeds to turn on the radio.

"To everyone who is still on Greece!" says the guy from the Radio broadcast. "Head to the Port of Piraeus! There it is a boat coming at almost every day with transport the people into the designed islands taken by the survivors camp! If you are a man or a woman who doesn't have a fever at 38 Celsius Grade, doesn't present light green or yellow skin, and doesn't have black veins, or red eyes, come to the Port of Piraeus! I repeat this message! To every-"

Then Claudia closes the radio station, and he says to Radu.

"Now you do understand where are we going?"