From Cluj to Athene - Part 25

Three cars are stopping in front of a gas station who looks totally abandoned. A lot of corpses are on the ground, cars who are blocking the exit of this gas station, and even a truck who has crashed into the gas station building. Ho Lee sees the door of the gas station is missing, and the windows are entirely broken, but he also found a car, parked on the parking lot.

He walks closer to that car. As soon as he got close enough to look at the window to inspect the interior of the car, he saw there a corpse who got his throat slit with a knife is holding on left hand. Ho Lee sees on the car a map on the seat next to the driver, and this will gave them a big help in direction since nowadays, you cannot use phone as a GPS, nor try to ask for directions.

Lee tries to unlock the door, which he discovered that it was open in the first place. He opens the door, and he quickly takes the map from that seat and closes the car again because the corpse proceed to breath, and it was close to jump at Ho Lee hands. The man take a quick look on the map, and he sees there a few weird places being marked with a green circle marker. He goes with the map to the other people of the group to show it to them.

"Alina." says Ho Lee coming with a map at them, and he puts on the car to show the locations marked. "Come and take a look here."

Alina comes, and she looks at the map Ho Lee brought to them. After a quick look around this map, Alina looks at Ho Lee.

"Where did you found this map?"

"It was laying on a car of a zombie." says Ho Lee, and this made Alina feeling unwell, but Ho Lee has quickly showed to her that he wasn't bitten by that thing. "It is alright. I escaped from that creature at the nick of time."

"Still. You should be more careful around these things. They proceed to get stronger almost every day with each infection they provoke... There." she points to a marked zone close to the dock. "This must be the zone where Military is awaiting us or will help us go to an island to settle."

"You know." says Anakin coming over to those two guys. "I am wondering how come Soldiers haven't cleaned the entire planet already."

"They are probably outnumbered, or the military doesn't have America level f funds. But let's get focus on our escape, alright." says Alina to Anakin, and she looks at the map. "But how come there are many marked zones here."

"Maybe they are possible to extract zones?" theorize Ho Lee.

"Maybe." says Alina without looking at Ho Lee.

Meanwhile, at the front door where was the gas station supposed to be, Ana and Claudia are walking in there, both equipped with a handgun and a knife in case they are encountering a sneaky zombie. Both of these girls sees the lights are still working on this gas station building, so it will gave them a big advantage in looting, but a disadvantage if they get seen by a zombie.

Ana goes to the desk where was the cashier supposed to stay and scan products then take their money. She sees on the floor a corpse with his head blown up. This scared Ana when she saw the corpse, and made her wondering: "Would I have the same fate if I was there?". Before she could try to say anything to Claudia. Her eyes spotted a key on the hands of that corpse. She goes over the desk, takes the keys, and she took a long look at them.

"What you found?" asks Claudia going to Ana.

"Some keys." says Ana. "But to where?"

These girls hear a pounding from their backs. They quickly turned around, aiming their handguns to the walls. Then, both of them are seeing the door who's hitting from the interior. Claudia looked at Ana, whose Ana looked at the key and nodded her head in approval. Claudia tires to persuade Ana to go to that door to open, and Ana goes there. She got to that door, put the key in the hole where it should be, and it unlocks the door. She opens as quickly as possible, and she aims her handgun to the thing there.

Her handgun it is aimed at a human person. She is not shaking, like that man who is shaking and with his hands raised up because of the gun aimed at him. The man it is a young man, with a bandage all over his head and his clothes being almost completely ripped.

"I-I am not infected!" says the man in English language and shaking. "I. Am. Not. Bitten."

"What's your bandage for?" asks Ana to the man.

"I-It is a scar... A man came here and... He stole the truck from here and attacked me. With a metal bar. Here!" he tries to unwrap the bandages, and he showed to them the scars on the hand he got from that metal bar in the head. "Look!"

Ana and Claudia are looking at the mark the man got on his head from that metal bar. They are not experts not have that much intelligence at the subject of biology or anatomy. Claudia was looking at the man, and she asks him.

"Are you a doctor?"

"I was a medic on the front-lines when Yugoslavia was on revolution." responds the man.

"When was that?" asks Ana.

"On 1990." says the man.


Ana put her gun down, and she looked at the man. She asked him what is doing here, and the man responds to this question.

"I was about to go to Greece, with my family. A family vacations. But then. This thing happened and... it damaged me more than that Coronavirus. It killed all my family in that truck, and the man who stole it... Fuck..." he looks at these two girls, and he tries to hold his tears. "I was about to bury them in Serbia, back at my parent's house. But that son of a bitch, has stolen the truck... And they were still zombies there... I did not have the courage to kill them... I am not able to kill a man. I am a doctor for god' sake, not a butcher."

"Hey. Hey!" says Ana to the man trying to calm him down. "Alright? We will try to find your truck, man."

"No. Let him be."

"You do realize that we are in a hurry?" asks Claudia to Ana.

"Where are you guys heading?" asks the man to those two girls after he swiped his tears.

"To a port." says the woman to the man.

"Are you planning to head to an uninhabited island?" asks the man which made those two girls surprised. "I wouldn't do that."


"This virus... Might take the entire world in a short amount of time, so even if you try to set a camp in Greenland or Antarctica you will most likely get infected and became a zombie there. But it is your choice."

"So... You are not thinking of coming with us?"

"No. I'd rather remain here and stay under this base. I've still got food and health kits."

"Health kits?" asks Ana. "Could you spare some of those health kits? We've got a wounded man with us."

"What happened to him?" asks the man to Ana.

"He felt from a plane who was going to send us to Athena, but it has crashed into Bulgaria. The man has an injured leg."

"Oh shit. You've come from Bulgaria? All the way here? Must've been really hard to travel."

"Yes." says Claudia. "Could you help us?"

"Sure. But for this... I would like a weapon. Think as a fair trade. I help your friend... You give me a weapon to protect myself."

"Sounds a fair deal." says Ana to the man.

"Ana!" says Claudia. "Are you already trusting him?"

"Almost." says Ana while looking at the man who is going to see the injured man.