From Cluj to Athene - Part 33

After two hours, it was Alin turn to guard this Hotel while everyone was sleeping. Klaus was the first one, and he is heading to the room where Laura was supposed to be sleeping. But before he was about to head to his room, he told Alin what was happening to Laura, and this made Alin feeling sad. He didn't have much time to interact with Laura after all, but this has made him feeling sad that somebody has died again, and he wasn't there to see if he can do something.

A few minutes later, after Klaus got to his room to sleep, Alin is staying on the reception desk, looking at the working monitors to see if someone will come at them. While Alin was looking at a monitor who shows a shop nearby, he sees the lights of that shop being turned up. This has made him abandon the desk and head to that store with a knife hidden on a vest he bought along with it because it is already cold outside.

He walks on the other side of the street without any inconvenience. When he got closer to the store, he could hear a few people there speaking in Greek language, but Alin couldn't understand what they are speaking, but considering the raised tone, this doesn't sound good. Alin stays to lean on the building where the people are fighting over something there. Before he would be about to think about his next move, he heard a groan coming not far from him. Alin sees the zombies is crawling to him, so he quickly took the action to stab the creature head. He successfully did it, and when he did that, he hears some footsteps coming closer.

Alin is thinking fast, and he enters the next building to that store, who has all the windows broken. After he enters the building, he is hiding into the building dark sides, and he waits for that group of survivors to leave him. While he is hiding into the dark, stays in a crouch position and looks at these two survivors who are inspecting the body of that corpse. They noticed it has a knife on the head, which means Alin didn't manage to take the knife from that head.

They are looking around to see if they aren't close to that hunter who managed to took out that zombie. Alin was able to see those hunters, thanks to the streetlights who are still working. He sees the hunters are carrying crowbars and not guns. He also sees these two survivors are wearing hoodies with Pitbull singer logo.

One of the survivor is looking at the building who has lights on. The survivor points at that building, and the other nods his head. They are heading to that building which is the Hotel of this gang. They cross the street and proceed to head to the front door. Alin is leaving the hideout, and he is following those two survivors. When he passed next to that zombie corpse he killed, he took the knife from the head, clean the knife by using his pants and walks slowly to those two survivors.

As soon as one of the unknown survivor opened the building main door, they looked around to see how is this place looking. One of them whistles, as the other says something indescribable in Greece for Alin to understand. He immediately gets into the building, without alerting the two survivors, and he is at the back of a survivor who is having on his jeans pocket a pistol. And this gave Alin a plan.

He immediately put his plan on execution.

First, he takes the gun, then he takes the guy neck by using his right arm, while on the left one is pointing the gun on the survivor head. The second one turned around, and he is trembling as he sees his comrade being hold hostage, right in front of his eyes. That dude who's held hostage was trying to free himself, but the grip of Alin was too strong for him.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" asks Alin in English.

"P-Please. Do not shoot." says the survivor who isn't held hostage by Alin in English. "W-We... um... We were trying to search for a new base, since the Army wiped out most of the zombies from this place."

"Who are you people?"

"I-I am Ajax, and my friend who's held hostage it is Angelino."

"Get me out, brother." says Angelino in Greek language to his friend who is talking with Alin.

"I will." says Ajax to his teammate into this apocalypse, and he looks back at Alin. "Listen. We do not want any trouble. If you let us leave we will never come back to this Hotel. Alright?"

"Sounds good." says Alin pushing the man to Ajax, who's catching him, and he looks at the gun, he checks the clip, and he notices he doesn't have any ammo. "You guys sure obeys the laws even on time like this." he hands the gun to Ajax. "You two leave this place, and search for another hideout. Understand?"

"Y-Yes, sir." says Ajax to Alin.

As soon as Alin thought the things are going to get normal, Angelino decides to jump close to Alin and try to punch his face, but Alin managed to block the punch of Angelino by using his left arm to grab it and then pushing the man. Alin was trying to talk some sense into that man, but he couldn't because he takes a book, and he is about to use it on Alin. Ajax was not even trying to stop his friend because he is afraid that something might be going to happen to him.

But Alin, who knows a lot about combat fights, he managed to do a hard kick on the man liver, who is making him fall into his knees and proceed to vomit the food he was most likely eating it a while ago. Ajax is looking terrified at Alin, and this made him to go to Angelino, took him, and run away with him from this place. Alin was looking at them while they were running, with a serious look on his face which can show that he is truly capable of beating Angelino so hard, he would love to be eaten by zombies.

"Hey. Are you okay?" asks Radu leaving his room and coming down to see how is brother doing.

"Yea." says Alin looking at his brother who is dressed in his pajamas. "you have trouble sleeping?"

"Yeah... I think I heard some fighting going down here."

"There was one. Two survivors were trying to raid our beds and took some supplies. But I managed to scare bot of them off."

"Amazing." says Radu to his brother impressed. "What did you use on them?"

"That hostage technique, and one of them was trying to hit me back, but I managed to block them and put that one down in a matter of seconds."

"Cool for a guy with a broken leg."

Alin is looking at his leg, he looks carefully at him as he was raising his lower part of the pants to see the injury. It doesn't look that bad, but it made Alin feeling in a good spirit of fighting. Radu looks around him and he asks his brother.

"So. How many hours until we will leave?"

"About one and in half." responds Alin looking at the working clock from the right wall which shows the hours all around Eastern Europe.

"Still can't believe this is happening. You, I, a few more survivors, are fighting against zombies. I never thought this would ever be real."

"Same." says Alin feeling sad that it has come to this, even though they are somehow grateful this is happening.

They are going to a couch into this Hall or Reception. Radu sits there, while Alin is trying to turn on the Plasma TV from the wall. It worked when he turns on, but it shows a live broadcast on Greek language. Both of them haven't learned Greek at school, or never tried to learn Greek. Alin decides to try and surf through many channels by using the buttons from the TV.

A few moments later, Alin manages to get hold of a channel who broadcast something in a language they are fully understanding, Romanian. The channel is telling this message.

"For whoever it is still alive and not infected. Head to the closest Military dropouts on the map, wait there, and head into one of the vehicles who will be transporting the survivors to a safe place. For whoever who doesn't want to attempt this, we strongly suggest seeking hideout from the big cities before they will be bombed. Hiding in forests and on the countrysides would be pointless since this virus it is spreading rapidly. I repeat, seek the closest Military dropouts from the map, they will help anyone to flee from these infected countries."

And on the TV is showing a map of the infected cities from Europe. The entire continent of Europe is red, which means these meat eaters have managed to get a hold of the humanity from Europe.