From Athene to Cluj - Part 36

The time has finally come for our group of six remaining survivors. After a lot of hardships they were going through on the last three days, they managed to arrive at the safe areas, which are known by the Army as Departure points because this place will bring the survivors into a new home where the Army will tell them they will be able to live in peace and without a worry in the world because they are the ones who will go and eradicate every single zombie out there.

These six survivors are in the front door a room with Greek letters on the window, which means Deposit Room. The team knows what's this room, and they are about to let their supplies they gathered so long in order to join and safe world where Military will have them covered. However, there is one member of the group who is feeling uneasy about this decision.

"Do you think this is a good idea?" asks Ho Lee to his comrades he fought alongside with.

"What do you mean?" asks Klaus to him, and all of his group members are turning around to him.

"Well, they are tasking all of our things, and they promise us a new lifestyle. That seems a little sketchy, doesn't it? I mean, in many zombie movies, the army gets wiped out easily. And in most of them, where the army survives, they are actually evil. What if they are turning up to be like the ones from earlier who shot Cassandra?"

This made a few survivors from the group speechless. They are feeling frustrated of those soldier's way of acting.

"We have to do it." says Alina to Ho Lee. "Otherwise we will have to survive into a city who will be bombed pretty soon."

"Is even the bombing true?" asks Ho Lee at Alin and Radu because they were the one who managed to see that broadcast on the TV.

"Yes." says Alin. "They even show a picture of the city Pitești reaming after the bombing. Hell, they even took down Vidraru dam to be sure these creatures will never be able to walk."

"The biggest dam in Romania?" asks Ana surprised. "The zombies there are truly gone now."

And it is true because Vidraru Dam has stored so much water, that if it will be breaking, there would be the biggest flood Argeș has ever seen since twenty centuries when Romania was still under Communist influence.

"Are you not trusting them?" asks Radu toward Lee.

"In my opinion, not much."

Then, a military woman opens the door, and she told them in English to come into this room and put their things there, then to sign some papers. They entered one by one, and first was Alina.


A few minutes later, the team of these six survivors have stored all the items they were gathering on this long road to arrive here, now they will have to head to the ship where they will be transported to one of the islands far from this country. While this group was walking to that ship, a soldier comes to them, and he looks at Lee.

"Are you Asian?"

"Y-Yeah." says Ho Lee surprised by this question because he is coming from China.

"Do you speak Chinese?"

"Of course I do." says ho Lee in Chinese language which made the soldier and the other members of his gang surprised, but then he replies the same sentence, but in English and this made the soldier feeling good.

"Alright." says the soldier in English language. "I need you to come with me."

"For what?"

"We require a translator to speak with a ship coming from China."


"Really if you believe it." says the soldier to Ho Lee who seems astonished by this information. "Now, follow me."

"Alright, sir."

Lee and that soldier are heading to a small building, while the other survivors are walking to the ship stairs. While they were climbing the stairs, all of them are taking a look back because of someone horn. It is a military truck, and from there, after it stopped, a lot of other survivors like them are leaving the back side of the truck. They were wondering, who are those guys and why they were brought here instead of running to this location like them. Alina was mostly the one who thought about this.

So, she decided to try her luck by walking to those people, but then, as soon as she was close to step out of the ladder, one soldier stops her from moving, and he says in Greek language to stop at what she is doing. Alina was trying to tell him in English she wanted to see what is going on, and the man, who understands a bit of English is telling her:

"Um... Those people," he points at the group of survivors from the truck they were delivered. "T-They are. Going to be... Checked... Alright?"

"Yeah... But why they were brought here with a car?" asks Alina that soldier in English, and the man is looking at the group of new survivors, and he tells her.

"Um... They called... Us."

"You can take them?"

"I-If they are... on a radius of... um... twenty kilometers."

Alina seeing the man struggle with his not so good English, she was about to try to talk to other soldier, but the one warned her to not go farther, he even aimed his assault rifle on Alina head. And at this point, Alina turned back and entered the ship.