Maine Street - Part 4

Later this day, Raoul managed to arrive back on his Hotel, by taking a taxi to there, luckily, he wasn't attacked by any of those creatures, nor he saw the man Pierre who has become a zombie following him. After Raoul paid the taxi driver, he is heading to his room in a fast walking peace. He bumped into a man, but he ignored that man. Even if the gesture he did wasn't nice, the man was yelling at him to be careful at walking, but Raoul is busy to reach his room and do something.

When he got into his room, Raoul took the key out from his jeans pocket, and he locks the door, then, he goes to the desk, where he opens the laptop, and he quickly search all around the internet about the people who are raising from the dead. Luckily, he found some essential information about it.

On a news site, there is an article about how one woman raised from Istanbul while she was run over by a bus and bite the bus driver neck, then, there is another report about a man who killed all the entire people from a cinematography in Belarus. Later he founds much more information about these attacking of the people, but most of the news sites aren't saying that these people are like zombies, they are saying "dangerous man", "dangerous woman", "Criminal", things like that to not start mass panic. And this went "well" when Coronavirus was still kicking the world.

Raoul decides to open the e-mail and contact his news team to alert them about the Pierre case. He writes this e-mail hopefully that the team will manage to help the civilians ignore this place or evacuate this province. It took almost five minutes to write a well-written e-mail and with nice description about the infected man who was trying to eat him.

After he wrote the e-mail to his news team, he takes out the phone, and he calls his brother to see how is the state of his parents. The first try it doesn't work, he tried the second try, and the third time, his brother responded.

"Hello, Raoul! Are you fine?"

"Yes! How is the father?!" he asks scared.

"I-It is fine. The doctors are checking on him."

"A-are you outside?!"

"Yes. Outside his room. Why you sound so agitated?"

"Brother. Whatever you do. Be fine. I will come there, and be careful at people who are attacking other people." he says in a such a terrified way.

"Br-Brother? Are you alright? Why are you so scared?"

"You remember those zombie movies we used to watch at it as kids?"


"Well. I think these movies are coming to be true."

His brother laughed for a moment, and then he says to him.

"Are you sure you haven't slept for three days? Again?"

"I know it sounds weird and impossible, but one of them was close to attacking me, and if you do not believe me. Then check the news. Alright? I will come as fast as I can there."

He closes the phone and Raoul proceed to pack everything useful to him. He takes the clothes he needs it, put the laptop in a bag, and he looks all around this room to find something useful to attack zombies. He found on a drawer a screwdriver, which was there for a reason, but it is convenient for Raoul who hasn't anything to protect himself from these flesh-eating monsters who are soon going to invade the whole planet.

Raoul leaves the room, and he is not locking up, he walks on the hallway, passes two persons who are occupying with cleaning the Hotel, they looked at him confused and wondered while he is leaving in such a hurry. After he took one turn, Raoul is taking the stairs instead of the elevators to reach the reception.

When he got at the reception, he is heading to the exit door. One of the staff members stops Raoul, and he asks him why is leaving, which Raoul replies with.

"I have to go to a Hospital in Saint Molo."

"That is far from here." says the staff member who is making Raoul feel already irritated that he is talking with him. "Are you taking the bus?"

"What other choice do I have. Anyway, thanks for hospitality." says Raoul leaving that staff member alone and leaving from that Hotel, where he is looking curios at Raoul.


Raoul manages to get at a bus station, he gets into a bus with a ticket to the area where his brother and rest of the family (probably) are at the Hospital where his father is hospitalized. He sits on a sit close to a window, he takes a look outside, and he sees there are nothing unusual, a few people who are sitting on the benches, waiting for their bus or maybe a taxi.

While Raoul waits for the bus to leave the station, he takes out his phone, thanks to his mobile data, he decides to check the internet to see if they display much more sources about this incident he encountered earlier with the guy named Pierre. There he founds another similar attack on the internet, he also found the incident in Marseille, but this time it displays the attacker. Raoul notices the person is having the similar skin color, eyes having color green and his mouth showing blood trails meaning he must've bite something and blood was dripping.

Raoul is feeling nervous about all of this since he was never, ever in his entire life, will be expecting this scenery because even on today's standards, it seems ridiculous to even think that the world will be truly end by a simple virus. It truly sounds SF… That's what also people said about Coronavirus pandemic, and it last long.

Anyway, in a few minutes, the bus leaves the station and Raoul, sitting with any young adult, because there weren't any free seats in the entire bus, he is looking at the window, at the people down there who are walking on this evening. Some were spending their time like no care in the world, while others, were walking in a fast rhythm, most likely because of their job, or in Raoul case, either way, today everything will change for everyone in the world.

While the bus was moving, Raoul takes a quick glimpse at the young adult next to him. He observes the adult is wearing some working clothes, like a suit people are wearing when they are working in business, or they are the bosses of the job. Some people would consider that a man dressed in working clothes will be traveling via their own cars, but this thing wouldn't be possible since in some countries, and here I refer by the Europe, have "banned" the cars since it caused a lot of air, noises and garbage pollution. The young adult is also carrying a suitcase with him. Raoul notices the man is looking in the front, where the driver of the bus is doing his job.

"Hey." says the young adult in French language and looking at Raoul. "Are you from this region?"

"No." says Raoul in French language to the young adult. "I am actually from Reims."

"Reims? What brought you here?"

"Work and I am heading to the Hospital at Saint Molo."

"Aha… You do realize this bus will be stopping at a station which is at three minutes from that hospital you are searching?"

"Yeah. I found it on Moovit." responds Raoul to the young adult showing the app on his phone who is helping him with the busses.

"Smart technology user." Says the man to Raoul which is putting him in a question.

Then, total silence, the only thing who is making the silence between those two it is the noises from the buss of a few babies who are crying, teenagers listening to loud music, and one couple kissing so passionately on the back of the bus. After all, Raoul doesn't mind all of these noises because this is normal

While the bus was heading to the Saint Molo city, Raoul gets a notification from his brother. It is a message who is telling him.

"Brother! Come quick!"

But Raoul did not pick up the phone because of the thing it is happening right now at the bus which is stopping in front of five corpses who are left on the road. The bus drivers stop the car, and he immediately call the police while some people from the front seats are taking photos with their phones. Raoul leaves his seat and goes there, to see what is happening.