The Sports Festival Begins

(Kanji will take Mei's Place in the sports festival)

(Two Weeks Later, Kanji's Home)

Kanji wakes up and goes about his routine with an air of speed getting changed and making food at speeds he didn't think was possible "Damn, I've gotten a lot of faster. Then again 2 weeks of intense training can do that do you." He sighs and leaves food out for Razor before leaving his home but not before grabbing an energy drink which he drinks on his way to UA.

(UA High)

He throws his drink in the trash before walking into the building and heading to the waiting room for his class to see Tenya also approaching the door with haste. "Oh hey Kanji, your just in time we're about to enter the arena" Kanji nods and the two walk into the changing rooms and Kanji goes into a stall to change into his PE uniform. He hears Izuku and Shoto talk about something but decides to ignore it before walking out and heading to the arena with the rest of his class.

(UA Arena)

Kanji marvels at the amount of people spectating and at the size of the arena itself "This place is massive, no surprise though considering how popular the festival is" he and everyone else look to the stage as Midnight makes an announcement "Now that your all here can I have the student representative to make a statement" Bakugo steps onto the podium only to immediately scream that he's going to win the festival resulting in heavy boos from the crowd. Kanji sighs "Idiot…if you want to be determined stay silent otherwise you just look arrogant" the race starts immediately and Kanji sees the hallways packed up and sighs before seeing Shoto's hand start emitting frost, he quickly jumps up on the left wall and jumps off it landing away from the ice and in front of everyone else. Shoto gasps and turns to Kanji who promptly sprints off.

(Obstacle Course)

Kanji continues running through the course hearing explosives and ice coming from behind him "I might not be able to outrun Bakugo or Tenya but I have the edge in environment adaptability. He watches as Shoto freezes the robot that appeared nearby and it falls sideways Kanji growls "Not a bad idea but useless against people who excel by using their environment as a weapon. He quickly climbs up the ice with his claws before jumping off the robot and using the trees to quickly move closer to the end while avoiding the mines. He sees Bakugo, Izuku and Shoto quickly closing in and grins as he quickly pushes forward "All right final stretch…time to go for 40mph" he jumps off the tree and lands on the track before sprinting with everything he has. He hears a big explosion behind him and sees Izuku fly past him with a piece of the robot with burn marks, Kanji grins "Well played Izuku, well played indeed" he sprints after him and the two manage to cross the finish line with Izuku beating Kanji to it. Kanji breathes deeply and offers Izuku and handshake which he takes "Well played Izuku" Izuku smiles "Thanks Kanji though you were pretty impressive to with your speed and acrobatics" Kanji chuckles "Ah it was nothing I haven't done before, though you do realise your now the main target for everyone else since your worth ten million points. Izuku sweat drops at Kanji's words "T-T-Ten million points?!"

(The Calvary Battle)

Kanji and the rest of the students look at Midnight who explains the Calvary battle which pits teams of two or four against each other with the goal being to take the other teams headbands to win however they cannot knock each other off purposefully. Kanji smiles "I have a feeling this might be my favourite one"

(UA Arena Break Room)

Death Arms, Kamui Woods and MT Lady discuss the tournament with Death arms talking about how the festival is designed to only simulate Pro Hero Life rather then prepared the students. MT Lady nods "Agreed, it's horrible to look at Pro Heroes jobs in such a manner. Kamui growls and turns to MT Lady "That didn't stop you from stealing the spotlight from me!" MT Lady goes to say something but doesn't when they are interrupted by a voice. They turn to Blindside who smiles softly "Yo" Death Arms gasps "Blindside?, what are you doing here" Blindside chuckles "Looking for an apprentice, what about you guys? Seen anyone you like?" The three of them shake their head with Kamui turning to him "No, have you?" Blindside nods "Indeed I have" MT Lady turns to him "Who is it?" Blindside chuckles "Now that would be telling-" he is interrupted by something hitting him on the head followed by a voice "Oop sorry Blindside" Blindside sighs "Do you people enjoy forgetting I happen to not be able to see" he sighs "People man, being blind is a nuisance" Death Arms looks at in surprise "I thought your quirk made up for it" Blindside nods "Yeah when people are actually touching the floor, it's harder hear individual movements in the air when your in a crowded space like a stadium". He sighs and thinks back to that kid he saw "That kid with a cat quirk, he's got fire otherwise he wouldn't be in the hero course he'd be in the support…I'll make him an offer I could certainly use someone like him to show society that you don't need fancy quirks to be excellent heroes".

(UA Stadium, Calvary Battle)

Kanji looks around as he thinks on who's got the best combo for him to work well with when he sees Izuku left alone since he's worth the most points. He walks over to Izuku "It seems everyone's afraid of taking risks…seems cowardly to me" Izuku turns to him "But its reckless to take risks" Kanji nods "Yeah but we both took them anyway. I tried to fight Nomu and you took risk by using those mines to make up for your quirks drawback" Izuku gasps before realising what he means and Kanji smiles "Sometimes you have to take risks even if the odds aren't in your favour. Yes the outcome might not be perfect but it could be better then some alternatives" Izuku nods "Yeah your right-" the two are cut off by Uraraka and Tokoyami who approach them and welcome them on their team. Kanji thinks to himself "Couldn't have asked for a better team actually, Izuku can help boost me along with Uraraka and Tokoyami can catch me if I'm unable to reach them at any point while trying to grab headbands. A sound blares signalling the beginning of the battle and Kanji grins "This should be fun".

(Calvary Battle, UA Stadium)

Kanji sighs as they immediately attacked by most of the other teams and growls as Testutestu's team uses one of their quirks to soften the ground but Kanji quickly turns to Tokoyami "Tokoyami use dark shadow and to lift them out I'll handle Jiro's Jack. Tokoyami nods and helps them out while Kanji jumps into the air and kicks Jiro's jacks away shocking the other team members seeing Kanji's jumping ability. He then lands and quickly takes back his position with Izuku and the others. They are then approached by Shoji who reveals Mineta who throws her balls at the team but Kanji extends his claws and manages to slash them apart before Bakugo approaches them using his quirk to fly through the air but is quickly blocked by Dark Shadow. They get away and Kanji and Izuku hear Neito talk about their long term plan, Kanji grins "Good gives us some breathing room" Izuku nods "Yeah it does-" they are cut off by Todoroki's team appearing with Shoto declaring "I'm taking your headband Midorya!".