A Short Recovery And An Internship

(An Hour Later Recovery Girl's Office)

Kanji wakes up slowly and realises where he is and sighs "Not this place again" he hears another voice "Hey Kanji you ok?" He turns his head to see Izuku with his arm in a bad state "Oh hey Izuku, what the hell happened to you?" Izuku nervously rubs the back of his head "I used too much of my quirk" Kanji gasps "Damn, well at least I'm not stuck here alone" the two chuckle before All Might walks in "Hello Young Midorya" he notices Kanji "And Young Kanji" Kanji chuckles while All Might and Izuku talk only to be interrupted by Tenya, Uraraka, Mineta and Tsuyu who want to check on him however they are forced out by Recovery Girl who needs to prep Izuku for surgery. Kanji thinks to himself "Damn, his quirk drawbacks must be bad if he needs surgery for it" Kanji gets up and looks at Recovery Girl "Can I go now?" Recovery Girl nods "Yes but be careful please" Kanji nods and leaves with the others who he assures of Izuku's health.

(Student Waiting Area)

Kanji watches the fights on the monitor with great interest particularly Bakugo and Kirishima's fight as he notices a flaw in Kirishima's quirk "Hm his hardening seems to weaken with every blow against it…seems kinda counter intuitive" he sighs and continues watching the fights while thinking of possible strategies.

(LOV Hideout)

Seducer and Hōtai sighs as they sit in the LOV hideout watching the sports festival with Seducer smiling under her mask as she watches Kanji fight and growls silently when she sees him get thrown into the wall by Shoto "That icy brat dares hurt my kitty! I'll kill him myself~" Hōtai looks at the students with great interest "Hm they will definitely be trouble if we aren't careful". They hear crashing behind they and watch as Stain and Shigaraki have a small fight before it's broken up by Kurogiri and Stain leaves the hideout.

(Award Ceremony)

Kanji walks up and stands in third place along with Tokoyami, All Might approaches them and give them their medals and turns to Kanji "Well done Young Kanji you fought very well today despite your disadvantage you have the makings of a real hero" Kanji smiles "Thank you sir" he sighs as he hears Bakugo scream and yell thanks to Shoto throwing the match. Kanji thinks to himself "I'm so close all I need to hope now is that someone picked me as an apprentice".

(Outside UA)

Kanji Sighs as walks home thinking about the festival "Everyone was so good, skilled and focused…well almost everyone" he sighs and reflects when he hears rumbling and decides to investigate only to see a purple and black construct attacking people before it locks eyes with him. It charges towards him, Kanji growls and kicks the thing away only for it to get up and charge at him again which he stops by slamming it into the ground breaking its head only for purple dust to burst out and almost hit him in the face. He quickly looks around to see no one around and quickly runs away not spotting Seducer who's watching him from the top of a building "Aww, he got so scared then toughened up…good~" she licks her lips and goes to find someone else to mess with.

(Kanji's Home)

Kanji sighs as he walks in and dumps his stuff down before grabbing Razor and petting him before laying down on his couch with Razor on his chest and wondering what he should do. He sighs again and moves Razor off him before going upstairs.


Kanji washes his face and stares at his face in the mirror and hears his thoughts echoing "What should I do now?…what if I don't get a work offer…what if I fail?…what if I'm no better then my parents" he quickly shuts these thoughts out and walks out of the bathroom and gets into his bed. "Just rest and all will be fine in the morning"


Kanji wakes up slowly and looks around "Where am I?" He sees nothing except for an empty city with no one around suddenly the city changes to a black and purple colour and laughter can be heard echoing through the buildings. Kanji freezes and try's to move but his body won't let him as he doesn't see a shadow approach him from behind. He feels two hands wrap around him from behind and a whisper in his ear "Miss me kitten~" Kanji feels something hit his neck before he feels an intense pleasure flow through his body as if he eat his favourite food one hundred times over before. He then begins hearing voices in his head "Obey me, worship me, don't leave me, you wouldn't leave me right, you love me right, I love you so much" Kanji holds his head as he feels these voices hit him at once repeating themselves over and over again.

(End Of Dream)

Kanji wakes up in a sweat and holds his chest "What the hell was that?!" He feels something moving down his cheek and realises he's crying. He wipes it away and growls "Why am I so scared. I'm supposed to brave and unyielding to all threats." He growls "Why am I so damn scared?!" He grabs something off his stand throws it but looks back when he hears glass smashing. He picks the thing and sees an old picture frame, he dusts it off and sees himself with two other people he doesn't recognise but the photo is torn where their faces are leaving only Kanji there visible. Tears fall down his face as he thinks back on that day "I swear if I ever meet you two I'm going to punch you so hard I might just break my hand".

(Two Days Later, Kanji's House)

Kanji sighs as he gets changed and pets Razor "Right I'm heading back there now bud you watch the house for me" Razor meows in response and Kanji smiles before walking out of his door and quickly moving through the crowds with a few people recognising him and a few over zealous fan girls rushing him to pet him which he cuts short by walking to UA with accelerated speed.

(UA High, Class 1A)

Kanji walks in and sits down wondering what they are doing when Aizawa pops in without his bandages "Hello again 1A, today your home room class will be on Hero Informatics" everyone gasps as does Kanji who sighs "Great another test" Aizawa sighs "You'll be choosing your code names for your hero career so better get thinking now" Kanji gasps "You can't be serious…oh well" Aizawa pulls down the board revealing a bunch of results "And here's the draft picks for your hero work…as you can see Shoto and Bakugo are leading with Kanji being third with a lot of nominations. Kanji sighs "They probably only want me for my looks or because I slightly interested them" Aizawa speaks again "And remember choose your code name wisely it'll be the name people remember you by" Kanji nods and Midnight enters the class "Hello 1A I'll be having final say over your hero names" she hands everyone a canvas to write on sneaking a pet of Kanji's ears as she walks past he which makes him blush before he focuses on thinking of a name. Midnight asks if anyone wants to present theres to the class and first up is Aoyama with "I can't stop twinkling" midnight shortens it to "Can't stop twinkling" before moving on. Mina tries to call herself alien queen but that is shot down by Midnight who tells her to compare herself to a movie villain. Kanji goes up next and internally breathes before showing his hero name "Feline" His classmates smile and Midnight tells him it's a great codename before petting his ears again causing him to go red faced he quickly sits back down at his desk trying to hide his embarrassment at being so easily pet. Aizawa returns them to the internship topic then dismisses them with Midnight telling them they should choose an agency that best suits them.


Kanji eats his lunch while reading his intern offer from a hero called Blindside who works at a hero agency. He is brought out of his thoughts by Mina asking him if he chose one yet "Yeah I got an offer from a hero directly" everyone smiles and Mina asks him who it is "Some hero called Blindside, sounds like a very unique character" Kanji thinks to himself "I wonder what he's like".