Fighting In The Forest And Captive

(Training Camp)

Kanji sighs as moves around the trees with his movement style using his claws to dig into the trees and allow for more seamless transition between jumps, as well as trying out high speed attacks with Tiger's help who comments on the incredible amount of force he is able to generate. Specifically by using his legs which are his best asset for combat and traversal, Kanji continues his training until he and the rest of his class are told to make their food since the heroes aren't cooking for them this time round. He sits with Tenya, Izuku, Shoto and eats with them not paying attention to their conversation and instead getting lost in his own thoughts. "Hm, maybe I should add some springs or something to my suits boots to better gain momentum. As well as get some stronger soles to fight physically tougher villans".

(Later, Forest)

Kanji yawns as he and Izuku wander through the Forest together since they are the last to be paired, Kanji scans around and picks up numerous scents though all too far away to be any threat aside from one which he notes is a very smoke like smell. Kanji and Izuku are shaken by loud noises around them before seeing a large plume of smoke and faint blue flames in the distance, Izuku immediately leaves to find Kota while Kanji debates in his head "Do I go help Izuku or make sure the others are ok?…Izuku can handle himself the others might need help" he moves through the trees quickly hoping to arrive first.


Kanji continues moving through the trees when he hears a faint whistle from his left and narrowly avoids a purple blast that obliterates the tree he was just on, he looks around and sees no one before sensing something behind him and dodging only to be face to face with Seducer who smiles "Hello again kitty~" unseen to Kanji Seducer motions Hōtai who's in the trees above to leave which she does before she stands up and stares down Kanji who she towers over. Kanji thinks to himself "Crap, I can attack her much easier but she has all ranges of attack now" he dodges her attempts to strike him with her whip and manages to use his movement style to jump to a tree behind her and kick her in the back. However she only moves back a little before grabbing him by the neck and drawing her knife which drips with a purple substance, she gently slashes his side drawing a thin line of blood. Kanji gasps as he feels his limbs slowly stop moving "What is this?-" he is cut off by Seducer laughing heartily "A small paralytic works wonders don't you think…now you can't get away from me kitty~" she grabs his chin and leans in close to his face "Now go to sleep kitty~" her eyes glow and Kanji feels his body give in to an induced sleep. Seducer smiles before throwing him over her shoulder and walking to the meeting point.

(Meeting Point)

Seducer smiles and blushes at her thoughts "Finally I have him, it took four to five attempts but it worked. The kitty is now mine~" she arrives at the meeting point only to realise she's the only one there currently "Why do I have to wait for everyone else?" She is disturbed by a voice above her "Because the main objective remains unfinished" Seducer looks up to see Arachnid holding a what seemed to be a human encased in his webbing "Oh you collecting someone too" he nods "One of my clients asked me to, why have you got a student with you anyway? He's not one of the targets". Seducer sighs "That's my business not yours" Arachnid sighs "Fine but don't expect Tomura to be pleased with you" Seducer laughs "I could care less what he thinks of me, I only want what I deserve" Hōtai arrives at the meeting point and sighs upon seeing Seducer "So you got him then?" Seducer nods "Yeah, mind lending me some bandages. Don't want him running off" Hōtai nods and wraps up Kanji like a mummy before both of the villains lean against the tree and wait for the others.


The other villains arrive but are soon attacked by Izuku, Shoto, Mezo and Tokoyami who rush toward them. Seducer and Hōtai rush through the portal while Dabi, Toga, Twice and Compress fight off the students before grabbing Bakugo from Compress's marble and dragging him through the portal with them which quickly closes behind him. Izuku screams to the sky about losing Bakugo while Shoto thinks "Wait…where's Kanji Izuku?" Izuku turns to them "I saw him heading through the forest none of you saw him?" They shake their heads and Izuku's face gets even more concerned "What if they got Kanji too?!"

(League Of Villains HQ)

Seducer sighs as Tomura complains about her bringing an extra captive but she brushes him off and walks into her room before feeling movement from the bandages. She sighs before dumping the mass of bandages on her make shift bed before grabbing her knife and slowly cutting them open. Before Kanji can say anything she clamps her hand over his mouth "Don't say a word kitty…I'm not supposed to have brought you here but I don't really care. Your explosive friend is being dealt with in the other room but right now your mine to torment~". She grins darkly and Kanji freezes in place again due to the paralytic still flowing in him and the intent of the stare. She smiles before peeling away her face mask and revealing her face "Feels so much better to look at you with my own eyes" she pets his ears before slowly putting her hand around his tail "I've heard this is a cat's weakness…let's test that shall we?~" Kanji gulps and blushes a little "She's crazy but I'm not giving her the statisfaction of making me feel anything."