That very next morning I woke up a bit more joyful than I had been in a long while. It felt good knowing that Miranda was out there thinking about us. It was the moment in time where I felt like I was really connecting to the person I used to know. Even if it was a few short statements they were one of the most important ones to me. Miranda's love was something that I knew would keep me going until the end of the crazy plan we were doing.

I could tell that the present time Miranda without her memories also had the usual fire in her eyes which showed that she was also fired up from the message. I could never relate to my memories being wiped suddenly but I could tell that it must have been an extremely scary experience and I wanted to hold her hand all the way to at least fulfilling her own wishes.

With all the joy in my heart, I entered the kitchen radiating a lot of energy. Miranda was already there as usual but that day she had a suitcase in hand which made me worry.

"Before you jump to conclusions, I am moving to a new apartment because I don't want anyone to think I am living off your money."

What an ironic statement considering she was practically been living off my money ever since she arrived.

"Without warning,"I said acting a bit surprised.

"Well, I had been looking for a good location and had some refurbishing done. The days passed so quickly that I never had the time to tell you."

In the back of my mind, I could believe what she was telling me but it felt like she was hiding a second reason why she was moving. Maybe it was too intense to be around me or she was trying to avoid me. As much as I wanted to ask her a million questions on her sudden decision I decided to leave her be since she had already gone through enough. I never wanted to start acting like a toddler who constantly keeps asking why every second.

"Don't look so sad Cy. It's just safety measures. Now get ready you the one helping me carry all this luggage."

"Which luggag....."I was about to ask until I saw a large pile of suitcases behind her that made my jaw drop.

"Why do you have so many things all of a sudden?"

"Well online shopping plus the transport tube system really make shopping so much easier. I ordered all of these last night. Just some clothes and the rest are emergency equipment."

I looked at all the luggage and I could imagine how my financial advisor was going crazy seeing how much spending had been done. Miranda was never one to splurge money on anything other than technology I really was worried about her.

"Okay, we have five minutes. Help me load these into the van."She said holding some of them.


While in the car on the way to her new apartment she was weirdly silent. It was odd of her, considering how we were able to get some good news. Things were extremely awkward between us and I prayed in my heart that she would be back to normal.

"Today."She said suddenly.


"We meet my intel today."

"Ummm yeah I will be there, "I said awkwardly.

Saying I will be there was one of the dumbest responses I had given in a while. Of course, I would be there. I wanted to go back in time and hit my head for thinking of that. It was so embarrassing. After that, we went back to our weird silence heading to her new location.

Her apartment was located inside the city near the central business district. I could tell that the area was a bit pricey and that the only way she was affording was that she was using my debit cards. I should have known she would want a nice place for herself no matter the price, but as long as it could make her feel safe it was the only thing that mattered.

I entered her apartment to find a neatly decorated minimalistic design with a dominating black color. It was a charming sleek look that I was extremely impressed by. Knowing Miranda, she must have tampered with it somehow. Probably added extra security or set up traps. As Miranda arranged the boxes and looked around another time, I looked around waiting to see if she had set up a gigantic mousetrap somewhere.

"Cy stop snooping around we have to go but we have to make a detour first," she said

"Okay then, where are we going?"

"it's a surprise," she said throwing me a face mask and putting on her sly smirk," You will wear that after we have finished .let's go."

Confused by the sudden change of mood I was curious about what exactly she was surprising me with.

Miranda decided it was best for her to drive as she handed me a blindfold to put on. It was a bit childish but it just made me a bit curious about where exactly she was taking me. I could tell by her precious smirk that it was mischievous but I put some small ounce of trust in her in that situation. I could have been totally wrong and she was planning to prank me, but the seriousness of the situation a prank was unlikely.

"Okay open," Miranda said after nearly making me fall several times when she was directing me to the location with the blindfold on. I tripped several times which was not even funny. Some of them felt like she was playing with me intentionally.

Removing the blindfold, I slowly opened my eyes and all I could see were the stars painted on a ceiling that made it feel like it was a beautiful starry night. I realized that she took me all the way to the astrological art exhibition room which was a great location to be in Paradise City. I was extremely surprised that, that was what she was eager to show me. I always loved that place in Paradise. It had been there ever since the planning of the city and I always thought a good starry night was beauty at it's finest.

"Why?" I asked

"Because I owed you a lot. Plus I hid some things from you. You deserve at least an hour of the day to do something you like. You always loved watching the stars and astronomical stuff so I thought this was a great place to take you."

"Miranda.Thank you," I said smiling

Just for this one person to go through so much effort for me was amazing. I could stand there for hours just observing the painted stars as they wondering if each of them had a separate solar system from ours.

"Yeah okay we can go now," I said after a few minutes of bliss.

"Really? you haven't even said much? I knew you would have gone on and on about some astrological phenomenon some 4th dimension explanation and some arguments on string theory and all those nerdy physics theories. It had always been your interest," she said

"I think I'm good," I said smiling looking at the beautiful painting.

The only reason that I was in love with astrology is the reality of a separate universe to explore and the possibility of other lifeforms, but since I still had some important things at hand I had to resist my urge and first solve the problem that was right in front of me.

As we were driving to the office so we could get to the X-floor to use a specially made human transport tube to the location Miranda programmed, Miranda, looked uncomfortable. I looked at her snd I could tell there was something on her mind.

"So before I left Cy what were we exactly ?"She suddenly blurted out.

"Oh, we were like together, "I said with a sudden rush of blood throughout my body.

"Like together together."

"Yes together together, "I said scratching my head nervously.

"Do you remember how ?" she asked directing her eyes to me.

"Yeah, but I can't remember all the details. all I remember is that we were working on a project in our business class that involved the invention of dope tech that would assist consumers and start as the foundation of a profitable company in the third year of high school and something just clicked since it was the first time we had spent hours together alone working as a team. then I just said I liked you in a more than friends way ."

"Ah, I see."

"You can't imagine it huh?"

"Yeah I can't, I remember you being goofy and nerdy for a long time. Plus extremely shy and quiet at times. So right now what do you want us to be? "

"We will figure out all those extra details later, no need to worry ourselves right now," I said smirking.