WebNovelEsa Rey88.89%


Over the Venezuelan States, the sun rises. Below and among the trees, the local vamps have retreated back into their sun-proof hides. Some of them, in fact, have retreated to the Bloodforce Dimension.

This is the canopy...of the jungles of Maranhão. The light of dawn seeps through them. Within the many leaves, photosynthesis accelerates.

In a flash, Esa teleports into view, and lands atop a limb. She's still as small as before. She grabs the limb on the way down...and hangs from it. She wears little more than a dark pink bikini.

She's a long way from Manhattan. This, she knows. On the upside, she's figured out how to use the Day Dimension to teleport. On the downside, she clearly still can't do this to get back to Manhattan.

She's...not so sure she wants to go back... For some reason, there are a lot of white boys in the Big Apple who are racist against Latinas...

Above her, a drop of water hangs from another limb. It swells...and falls. It lands on Esa, nearly drowning her. It also makes her so cold that she lets go of the limb, and starts falling.

Initially, she panics. Alas, it's a very far fall from up here. Even here, the trees grow over fifty meters tall.

Using a conjuration spell, she conjures a broomstick. She mounts it, while falling. And, she flies off. She narrowly misses getting sniped from the air by an iguanine lizard's tongue.

She's not used to this. Alas, this doesn't occur to her until after she's airborne. In flight, she nearly hits a bunch of trees where it hurts. (Where it'd hurt HER, that is...)

A potoo goes down for a nap. Esa flies right past his beak. He opens his eyes and looks around, for moments afterwards. He just missed an opportunity to snarf her down with his very wide beak.

A trogon sits alone on a branch, flaunting his gorgeous feathers. He's a Zac Efron among birds, for sure. Esa screams, while flying right by him. He hesitates and looks around for a while, after this happens...

Esa keeps screaming, and inadvertently doing repeated rolls through the air, as she flies through a flock of tanagers. The tanagers sense her, and fly after her.

Soon, they're not alone. A few cotingas join them. A few motmots do, too. A few damselflies do, too...and give the motmots a wide berth. A sole jacamar also joins into the chase.

Esa doesn't take long to find the right mood to subdue the broom. Once she has, she acknowledges the hungry flock that chases her, and keeps flying. With luck, she can get this broomstick fast enough to make a few seekers in the Venezuelan Quidditch Confederation look lame.

So, she does. She flies as fast as she can. She darts through the forks of trees, and does loops and rolls to avoid getting sniped out of the air by frog's and lizard's tongues...and not to mention viper's bites.

Behind her, the flock scatters. Esa grins, as she finds this a relief. She thinks they've given up...

Alas, her guard is also down. Hence, she flies right past a leptodactyline frog, who mistakes her for a fly. He doesn't get her...but he does get her broom. She snipes it right out from under her, sending her hurling down through the middle layers of the jungle.

She screams, as she freefalls again. Her near-naked self bounces off limbs, leaves, and vines in the process. Often times, she lands on her boobs. This hurts.

She bounces off a bromeliad petal...and lands in the pool of water it houses. Underwater she shivers, as she's tempted to have a panic attack.

It...seems that she shares quarters with a nursery of poison arrow frogs' tadpoles. Curious, they surround and approach her. They get way too close.

Esa panics more, and teleports away. She resurfaces atop a mushroom growing atop a log on the forest floor. She helplessly slides down its wet side...and gets trapped in a drop of water that hangs from the edge of its top.

Perfect; soaked again. Funny; Esa once swore, when she was much younger, that she'd never wear bikinis. She has no idea what the Day Dimension was thinking, when it dressed her into one of these...or left her drowning in the Orinoco.

Below her, a bullet ant crawls. He's huge. Esa becomes very still...and prays against prayer that the ant will crawl away before her watery prison takes a tumble.

Esa's never understood creatures that sting. If anyone has anything against anyone, they should scream it, and not merely spit it.

Lucky for her, the ant crawls away. Unlucky for her, the drop of water falls from the mushroom, splashes, and sends Esa rolling again. She bounces off her boobs, butt, and cleavage as she rolls along. She lands atop several slugs, and bounces off of them as if they were inflated bags. She should be thankful that they're a softer landing. And she would be...if slugs weren't so slimy.

At last, she lands in some campfire ashes...and stops. Above her, a cloud of ash stirs. A moment passes, as she absorbs all of the shock she's contracted, since trying to teleport so high up in the jungle. (Again; she was aiming for a random penthouse in Manhattan...)

Like a hot gopher, her bare legs surface first from the ashes. She waves them around...as if her legs were a pair of dual periscopes. Her whole self surfaces, belches, flips over, and hacks up all of the ashes she's breathed.

At last, she's in her native habitat. Alas, she must now find the edge of this ashy pit, so she can breathe again.

She teleports to its edge, and relaxes. She's already risked two long-distance teleportation trips today; she's not ready to risk another miscarriage. Funny; sometimes Esa senses that her mother had a miscarriage with her, sometime before she was born...

Before Esa, a forest of grass begins. She doesn't know how she feels about exploring it...especially without a machete. But then, as small as she is, she shouldn't need a machete. It seems that the more she does these things, the more Esa loves being this small. She might never want to grow back to normal.

Esa has a hunch...that something's in the grass. Concentrating on this hunch, she teleports again.

She ends up in midair again...just above a grass stalk's inflorescence. She catches it, and hangs from it...as the stalk bends over towards whatever's on the ground.

Below, there's a huge leaf. A nymphaline caterpillar lies atop of it. He seems to have eaten his fill...if that's at all possible. To little Esa, he's bigger than a bus. He's like Absalom the Caterpillar, from Alice in Wonderland.

As Esa hangs, the grass stalk's pollen dances around her. Hence, Esa tears up. She can't take it anymore. She sneezes. As she does, she falls, the stalk flies back up, and pollen scatters all around. She lands in front of the caterpillar, and bounces up and down several times.

Above her, the grass stalk sways back and forth several times...before stabilizing back into place. It's lost a lot of pollen. But then, it's also indebted to Esa; not only has its pollen had fun trying to make her pregnant, but much more of its pollen has become airborne...and hence, will further ensure the survival of its species...as certain as the grass is that a wasp would've gotten to the inflorescence sooner or later.

At the zenith of one of her bounces, Esa teleports one more time. She reappears before the caterpillar's huge head, at the edge of the leaf. Here, she breathes again...and sneezes, each time one more pollen grain dares harass her.

She feels unusually good. So good, she involuntarily plops down on her back, and pleasures herself. Her hand isn't even in her bikini panties...yet.

Nearby, the huge caterpillar watches with an empty expression. It's of no consequence; his face always looks like this...and is doomed to, until the day he spins that chrysalis.

It's bound to happen...and it does. Esa dips her hand into the front of her panties...and finds the source of her pleasure. She screams, pulls a ball-sized grain of pollen from her panties, and kickballs it away from herself. She screams and spins around several times, frustrated at having been so easily violated.

Above her, the grass stalk only stands very still. He sure doesn't seem to blame himself for leaving pollen in Esa's panties.

At last, Esa plops down, exhausted. A predator could come by and eat her at any moment. Alas, she's too exhausted to care.

The caterpillar's still there. Somehow, he's failed to spook her.

Here, Esa hypnotically has an Alice-and-Absalom moment. "The world is too big for me, Absalom," she says. "I don't care if I'm a witch. I just feel so small, sometimes." Her eyes roll around. "I feel like I'm more likely to go through menopause...than find a good no-maj boy...who'll lie still while I fuck him." She shuts her eyes tightly. "O my god; I sound like Mama."

Here, before a great caterpillar who's not Absalom, "Alice" takes a breather. She'll be out for a while. Funny; it's not even 9AM.